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[ARSCLIST] ARSC Announces New Student Membership Rate

The following message has been posted on behalf of the ARSC Outreach Committee.  If you have any questions, please click on the links below.  Please DO NOT simply hit REPLY or post further messages to this list.



The Association for Recorded Sound Collections is pleased to introduce a Student Membership Rate, at a very favorable, discounted price. For the first time since the organization was founded in 1966, full-time students can now enjoy all ARSC benefits and privileges for just $20 per year—nearly half off the regular Individual Membership Rate.


Each year, members receive two issues of the ARSC Journal, three issues of the ARSC Newsletter, and may attend the annual conference for a reduced registration fee. All members receive a copy of the current biennial ARSC Membership Directory, which lists approximately 1000 individual and institutional members, along with their contact information and collecting interests.


To learn more about ARSC, visit arsc-audio.org. To join, click on the “Join ARSC” button. To qualify for the Student Membership Rate, please include a photocopy of your current photo-ID (issued by an educational institution), together with your membership form.


Anna-Maria Manuel,

Co-chair, ARSC Outreach Committee



The Association for Recorded Sound Collections is a non-profit organization that promotes the preservation and study of sound recordings in all formats and fields of music and speech. The Association is dedicated to serving the needs of the sound archiving and collecting communities in specialized areas of interest and activity, through its publications, annual conferences and the work of its many committees. ARSC members include: collectors, dealers, archivists, librarians, historians, musicians, students, discographers, reviewers, media producers and recording engineers.

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