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Re: [ARSCLIST] Diapason Turntables, Opinions/Personal Experiences?

It may be a moot point. I don't think Jeff is making turntables anymore,
although last time I heard from him he said he had enough parts to make one
more Archive 20.

I've had no trouble with mine. Couldn't say about comparing it to a

Joe Salerno
Video Works! Is it working for you?
PO Box 273405 - Houston TX 77277-3405
----- Original Message -----
From: "RA Friedman" <yiddishsong@xxxxxxxxx>
To: <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2004 12:17 PM
Subject: [ARSCLIST] Diapason Turntables, Opinions/Personal Experiences?

> I'm looking for a turntable that will handle up to 16" discs; is high
quality but won't break the bank. I saw a Diapason recently and it looked
pretty decent. How would a turntable like this measure up to a "vintage"
Technics SP-15 with an SME 3012R arm?
> RA Friedman, Archivist
> Freedman Jewish Music Archive
> University of Pennsylvania
> Dave Radlauer <Dradjazz@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> In a message dated 1/26/04 9:00:39 PM, LISTSERV@xxxxxxx writes:
> << Comments based on use would be appreciated, together with alternative =
> suggestions if you don't feel this is a good choice. >>
> I have found and purchased what I find a much better alternative: the
> Loricraft record cleaner. It is also the only cleaner I know of that can
handle 16"
> electrical transcription discs, which is the main application I'm using it
> Details online at:
> http://www.smartdev.com/loricraft.html
> Dave Radlauer
> www.JAZZHOT.Bigstep.com
> **********************
> From the SmartDev site:
> The Loricraft PRC3 is based on the work of the late Percy Wilson,
> Editor of the Gramophone Magazine in England. The prototype (hand made)
> was demonstrated at the Buxton HiFi show in the 1960's and drew quite a
> of attention for it's ability to thoroughly clean a record. This design
> used by several companies since that time.
> The design was improved and modernized using state-of-the-art components
> by Loricraft Audio. Thousands of units are now used around the world by
> leading record studios, record dealers, and serious collectors. The
product is also
> very simple to use.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> How Record cleaning machines work. . .
> 1 .The popular priced record cleaning machines use a basic, low cost Shop
> "wet/dry" vacuum motor to remove the cleaning fluid from the record. These
> type motors are for intermittent use only and will seriously overheat if
> continuously. Because these motors develop a high RPM in order to develop
a net
> 27 pounds per square inch vacuum at the nozzle, they are extremely loud.
> optional cooling fan installation kit is offered by the manufacturers for
> continuous operation at a cost of about $100.
> 2. A Vacuum Pickup Tube extends over the playing surface of the record and
> sucks up the fluid applied to the record. Velvet-like strips are cemented
> either side of the vacuum "slot" of the pickup tube. Manufacturers of
these type
> machine recommend cleaning the velvet-like "lips" with a toothbrush after
> every few cleanings to keep grit, chemical pollution, and dirt from being
> transferred to the next record being cleaned. If not done religiously
> from one record can be transferred to the next, and the next, and so on.
> Manufacturers recommend the Pickup tube be replaced after 200 cleanings
(400 sides).
> The cost of the new tube is about $50.
> 3 . . . . etc
> How is the Loricraft different?
> Instead of attempting to clean the record in one pass, as the other
> do, the Loricraft has a vacuum arm similar to a phono tone arm that glides
> over the record. One side of the record is cleaned in less than a minute.
> vacuum arm is driven by a separate motor assembly using a clever coupling
> The nylon nozzle tip of the vacuum arm does not touch the record. A fine
> filament nylon thread threads through the center of the arm and nozzle
that allows
> the arm to lie very close the record. This un-calendared thread acts as a
> "ski" to support the arm and keep it a small fraction of an inch from the
> In fact, the distance is the thickness of the 30 gauge thread. . . . .. It
> high intensity, local suction that is not distributed over the whole
> (globally). The arm will "ride" up the rim of the record to assure the
> beginning track of the record is perfectly cleaned.
> Â
> The turntable platter moves at 80 RPM which exposes the maximum surface of
> the record to the moving vacuum arm. The record is absolutely dry because
> this action.
> Before cleaning another record pull out a 1â?"4 inch of fresh thread from
> thread feed tube. This assures clean thread is in contact with the record
> will not transfer contamination from the last cleaning. The excess USED
> is sucked into the fluid vacuum tube and is deposited in the USED fluid
> reservoir jar.
> Â
> 11. Any of the popular record cleaning solutions that work with other
> machines may be used with the Loricraft System. We include a free bottle
of the
> SMART microgroove record cleaning solution with each machine to sample.
> * Cleans any size record including 16 inch ET (Electrical Transcriptions)
> * Effectively cleans warped and rippled records.
> * Superior cleaning of modern records with raised rim on the outside edge
> of the record.
> * No contamination of record from debris and chemicals from last records
> cleaned.
> * Inexpensive replacement of the medium. One spool of thread lasts for
> thousands of cleanings.
> * Very quiet European industrial grade vacuum pump.
> * Absolutely no damage to your valuable records.
> * Separate control switches for turntable motor, vacuum arm, and vacuum
> pump.
> * European craftsmanship. Made is the U.K. Fully warranted in the U.S. by
> SMART Devices, Inc.
> * Equals or exceeds the performance of professional record cleaners that
> are 3 times the price.
> ---------------------------------
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