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Re: [ARSCLIST] CDR media longevity

The problem is not with the media but rather with high-speed writers
running at 1X and other speeds. For example, a 24X writer might run fine
at 16X, poorly at 12X and at 8X, good at 4X, and poor at 2X and at 1X.

J. Hartke
Media Sciences, Inc.

Konrad Strauss wrote:
> on 1/20/04 5:02 PM, Jos Van Dyck at jos.van.dyck@xxxxx wrote:
> .
> >
> > Which media would you recommend for real time (1x) recording, e.g.
> > with Sony CDR-W66?
> Most CD-Rs are optimized for high speed recording and perform poorly at 1x.
> However, music CD-Rs are optimized for 1x recording. The Verbatim perform
> very well, however you will be limited to silver/cyanine discs which are not
> considered to be archival quality. I would suggest that you upgrade your
> burner to an Alesis Masterlink. This is a hard disc recorder with an
> integrated CD burner which runs at 4x. The performance is excellent with
> Mitsui gold and Tayio discs.
> >
> > What other digital storage media is more reliable than CDR (computer
> > tapes, hard disks)?
> > What types of streamer tapes (AIT, DLT, SDLT, LTO)?
> >
> I believe that the trend is to move away from CD-R as a carrier to a
> file-based storage. Most archives cannot afford to put together an online
> storage system, but if you have a digital audio workstation of some sort,
> you could start recording to firewire drives and archiving the drives
> themselves.
> There are a number of advantages to this approach. Assuming you are
> recording using standard file formats - AIFF/WAV, you are not locked
> exclusively into the CD format and the files would be readable by any
> workstation. Second, migration is very simple, simply a file copy from one
> disc to another - a 120 gig hard drive (about 200 hours of stereo audio) can
> be copied in about an hour. Finally, you can begin archiving at a higher
> resolution.
> --
> Konrad Strauss
> Director of Recording Arts
> Associate Professor of Music
> Indiana University School of Music
> http://php.indiana.edu/~kstrauss
> http://www.music.indiana.edu/som/audio

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