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Re: [ARSCLIST] Record cleaning fluid recommendations?


As I mentioned several days ago I will respond to this & similar posts as
soon as possible; hopefully over the coming weekend.  A recent move brought
production to a standstill for over 3 weeks thanks to the contractors &
we're simply swamped with backorders.


Duane Goldman

At 11:31 AM 12/18/2003 -0500, you wrote:
There have been a number of positive anecdotal reviews of this offering
(the Disc Doctor fluid) provided to the list. I'm wondering if anyone
out there, particularly Mr. Goldman, can provide some kind of data
comparing this against an example of the popular distilled water /
Photoflo / surfactant combinations? Microscopy or any kind of
quantitative measurements? If the sentence:

Thorough cleaning has also been shown to strongly inhibit renewed
biological growth on both vinyl & shellac even when discs are stored
contaminated sleeves under less than ideal conditions for periods
5-10 years.

is a claim of special quality for this particular product, is there some kind of objective historical data to demonstrate this?

I checked the www.discdoc.com website to no avail, but perhaps these
things are available elsewhere, or by request?

I'll be amongst those waiting with interest for the more detailed

A. Soroka

------ h. duane goldman, ph.d. | P.O. Box 37066 St. Louis, MO 63141 lagniappe chem. ltd. | (314) 205 1388 voice/fax "for the sound you thought you bought" | http://discdoc.com

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