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[ARSCLIST] Tandberg 6000X Tape Deck

I have mostly lurked for the several years that I have belonged to this
list, primarily because the list seems to focus on the technical aspects of
audio archiving, an area I know practically nothing about. I am much more
actively involved in the areas of repertoire, cataloging and discography,
but now, I have a question about recording techonology (well, equipment
actually, to be more precise).

My question is regarding the Tandberg 6000X Stereo tape deck. Is this the
sort of unit that one can play back audio tapes decently enough to transfer
to another, more stable format? The person who has this deck has shown me
the specs sheet/advertisement that cane with it in 1972 and I looks OK to
my uneducated eye. I see one for sale somewhere on the net for $300; would
that sort of money buy me something significantly better? If so, what?

If there is a better forum for this sort of question, please feel free to
direct me thence.


Peter Hirsch

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