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Re: [ARSCLIST] How to find/hire av professionals

Another source for available, trained engineers is your local tv/radio
stations.  Call the chief engineer, or the production manager (in both
newsrooms and programming departments where those still exist), and ask
for personal recommendations.  The broadcast world has been hard hit by
consolidation, and there are many very qualified audio engineers looking
for work, in almost every market.

FYI, Naropa's human resources department placed a listing for temporary
part time audio technicians with engineering background on one of the
web's job search sites. We received just about a hundred applicants, all
qualified. We ended up hiring students who trained for a few months
under local audio engineers (those engineers are still on the project as

-----Original Message-----
From: Alyssa Ryvers [mailto:alyssa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2003 8:17 AM
To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] How to find/hire av professionals

One good place to post is on this list; another place to post is in the
industry magazines: mainly because it's a good way to get the word out.
In Canada, we have "Playback" magazine (which is Film oriented), and
also it would be worth mentioning to the Director's Guild (who handles
sound editors), IATSE and NABET. They all have magazines, and they are
glanced through by their members.

I would hesitate to hire someone directly out of school, unless you can
provide a sound engineering mentoring situation for them as well. As
I've mentioned before, there are quite a few excellent engineers out
there who would be interested.


Alyssa Ryvers

On Sunday, October 26, 2003, at 10:06  AM, Lawrence A Appelbaum wrote:

> For the annual conference workshop in Philadelphia earlier this year,
> the ARSC Technical Committee compiled a list of engineers who
> specialize
> do preservation and archival transfer work. Perhaps the list can be
> posted on the ARSC website?
> Larry
>>>> ArcLists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 10/26/03 01:24 AM >>>
> There are recording studio programs, but frankly, I'm not sure how
> of
> the graduates are interested in archival work as opposed to making the
> next
> hit. There might be some. You don't know until you ask. I suspect
> organizations might be turning out more grads than there are job
> openings,
> but what else is new?
> These two have been around in the U.S. for a while (since your ISP
> in
> .com, I'm making the leap of faith that you're in the U.S.).
> http://www.audioschool.com/console.html
> http://www.fullsail.com/
> Many other countries have taken this more seriously with "Tonmeister"
> degree programs at the university level.
> You might also contact your local chapter of the Audio Engineering
> Society.
> Most have newsletters. Some of these accept job postings.
> http://www.aes.org/
> Cheers,
> Richard
> At 10:03 PM 10/25/2003 -0700, Tony Greiner wrote:
>> If a small to middle-sized library wanted to hire someone to dub
>> (duplicate) some tapes for them, how should they go about finding and
>> hiring someone qualified?
>> Is there a "certification" program, or some other form of
>> accreditation that the institution can rely on to determine
>> professional skill?

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