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Re: [ARSCLIST] How to find/hire av professionals

There are recording studio programs, but frankly, I'm not sure how many of
the graduates are interested in archival work as opposed to making the next
hit. There might be some. You don't know until you ask. I suspect these
organizations might be turning out more grads than there are job openings,
but what else is new?

These two have been around in the U.S. for a while (since your ISP ends in
.com, I'm making the leap of faith that you're in the U.S.).



Many other countries have taken this more seriously with "Tonmeister"
degree programs at the university level.

You might also contact your local chapter of the Audio Engineering Society.
Most have newsletters. Some of these accept job postings.




At 10:03 PM 10/25/2003 -0700, Tony Greiner wrote:

If a small to middle-sized library wanted to hire someone to dub
(duplicate) some tapes for them, how should they go about finding and
hiring someone qualified?

Is there a "certification" program, or some other form of
accreditation that the institution can rely on to determine
professional skill?

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