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[ARSCLIST] Fwd: SW/TX PCA/ACA Collecting/Collections/Collectors/Collectibles CFP


Call for Papers, Panels, Presentations on:
Collecting, Collectibles, Collectors, Collections


April 7-10, 2004
San Antonio, TX

This year, we join the National PCA/ACA Collecting Area in our combined
Southwest/Texas PCA/ACA and National PCA/ACA Conferences in San Antonio,
Texas. In years past, we have enjoyed presentations on a variety of
Collecting/Collectibles/Collectors/Collections topics and have continued our
lively conversations between sessions and beyond the conference. We seek
energetic and engaging presentations that will continue the tradition of
enthusiastic intellectual discussion started 4 years ago. Our SW/TX crowd
has been described as aggressively friendly and our conference can be
guaranteed to enlighten and entertain. Currently Susan Koppelman and Alison
Franks, founding and former area co-chairs, are developing several
book-length projects on derived from conference presentations.

We invite proposals/abstracts for individual presentations and for entire
panels about collecting, collectibles, collections, collectors, and those
whose artifacts are collected, for the SW-TX PCA/ACA's annual conference.
We encourage presentations from the many Popular Culture/Cultural Studies
perspectives, including theoretical considerations and Material Culture
Studies. We seek presentations/panels from collectors, from creators of
collectible art/artifacts, and from those who mediate between those who
collect, those who create or offer collectibles (such mediators as gallery
owners, traders, agents) and those who study collecting, collections,
collectors, collectibles.  We also seek ideas and suggestions for roundtable
discussions and workshops concerning collecting, collectibles, collectors,
and collections.

Some areas of consideration include, but are not limited to:

Your personal collection; The history of collecting; The impulse to collect.

Attitudes towards collecting artifacts in ethnic, faith, class, educational,
racial, social, generational or regional communities.

Collecting and political correctness.

Private collections as passion, as social climbing activity, as investments,
as inflation hedges.

Legal issues regarding collecting/collections.

The business of collecting - buying and selling, mediating value - the
dealer, the picker, the agent.

The impact of the Internet (including eBay and like sites) on collecting.

Relationships between collectors and curators.

Private collections as the basis for public museums.

Representations of collectors in popular fiction, film, theater.

Collecting as therapy/Collecting as neurosis.

Collecting as community activity.

Collecting as scholarship.

Collectors' organizations (car clubs, stamp clubs, costume jewelry
collectors' groups, etc.), their functions, their controversies.

Do women and men, people with different levels of education, people with
different class and ethnic origins collect different "stuff"?

The impact of collectors on "folk" or "ethnic" artists/makers - changes in
style, changes in gender roles, etc.

What is an "authentic" collectible?

My junk/your treasure, my treasure/your junk.

Economics of collecting/Collecting economically.

These are just ideas that come to mind from our previous experience and from
questions yet unexplored by meeting panels; there are many other appropriate
topics and viewpoints as well.

For questions about the 2004 meeting at the Riverwalk Marriott Hotel in San
Antonio, fees, accommodation and travel information, please go to the 2004
Meeting page of the organization's website (www2.h-net.msu.edu/~swpca).

Please send your proposals (presentation time is about 20 minutes, leaving
time for lively discussion following three presentations per panel) to one
of the following Area Co-Chairs for Collectors/
Collecting/Collections/Collectibles by NOVEMBER 15, 2003:

E-mail and Electronic submissions to: Amy L. Wink, winka@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Please make sure your attached document can be read by Microsoft Word or
Apple Works. Word Perfect documents are NOT compatible. You may also submit
your abstract in the body of your e-mail.

Snail mail submissions to: Nancy Arnold, 325 Ellwood Beach
Drive #18, Goleta, CA 93117.

All submissions will be acknowledged.

Collecting/Collectible/Collectors/Collections Area Co-Chairs for 2003-2004

Nancy Arnold, naa1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Toni Mantych, tcm@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Amy L. Wink, winka@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

We also invite you to join our Yahoo group for collectors and collecting
scholars, which we will be using to post messages about the collecting area
panels for the 2004 SW/TX/PCA/ACA conference in San Antonio.

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