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[ARSCLIST] last-minute filers

No, it's not tax time...but we are fast approaching the deadline for ARSC paper proposals!  For the convenience of all last-minute filers, I am pasting below a copy of the Call for Papers.  The Program Committee looks forward to hearing from you--via email, regular mail, or fax!

ARSC-SAM Joint Conference
Cleveland, Ohio
March 10-13, 2004

Call for Papers and Presentations

ARSC invites submissions of program proposals for our 38th annual conference.  Since we are meeting earlier than usual and coordinating our program with the Society for American Music (SAM), proposals are needed at an early date.  Please return this form (or a photocopy) by September 30, 2003.

Papers, panels, and demonstrations on all aspects of recordings and recorded sound are welcome.  By meeting with SAM, we have a special opportunity to share our expertise in discography and discographic research, record labels and manufacturers, archiving, and the preservation and reproduction of recorded sound.  Ways in which technology and the recording industry affect music and American life would be of interest to both ARSC and SAM members.

We encourage presentations that focus on recording activities in Cleveland and Ohio.  Considering Cleveland's Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum and the rich heritage of ethnic music in the area, we seek talks on popular music, rock, blues, folk, and related genres.

SAM welcomes proposals involving any aspect of American music or music in America and suggests that papers could be inspired by the Rock Hall, the sesquicentennial of John Philip Sousa's birth, the question of theorizing American music studies, or by collaboration with ARSC members.

Name of presenter(s):

Institution (if applicable):




Zip/Postal Code:




Title of presentation:

Abstract (up to 250 words):

Session type:  a) single presenter; b) panel/roundtable

Time requested for your presentation:
30 minutes (20 minutes for paper and 10 minutes for questions and discussion)
45 minutes (35 minutes for paper and 10 minutes for questions and discussion)
Other (Please explain)

Audiovisual equipment requests:

Return this form by September 30 to:
Louise Spear, ARSC Program Committee Chair
GRAMMY Foundation
3402 Pico Blvd
Santa Monica, CA 90405
Email:  LouiseS@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:LouiseS@xxxxxxxxxx>
Phone:  310-392-3777
Fax:  310-392-2188

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