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[ARSCLIST] Thanks So Much / Edith Lorand

My profound thanks to everyone who responded to my "Mystery Records"
posting and helped me identify the recordings of "Old
Ironsides/Musketiermarsch" and "The Mill In The Forest."

I have one more that I would like to ask for assistance on.  It is a
recording of "Destiny Waltz" which was composed by Syndey Baynes in
1912.  The notes that come with the tape recordings suggest that the
selection may have been performed by Edith Lorand - who did indeed have
a recording of "Destiny Waltz" issued in the USA on Columbia 2657-D.  My
guess is that it was probably also released other labels in Europe as
well.   Does anybody by chance happen to have access to the Lorand
recording? If so, I would very much appreciate it if could take a listen
to the recording I have put up from the tape at:
http://dismuke.org/request.html and see if it is indeed the Lorand

Two of the other recordings I have put up, "Amina" and "Marionettes At
Midnight" remain unidentified and any information on those would, of
course, be appreciated as well.


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