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Re: [ARSCLIST] Mystery Recordings

Hi Dismuke,
           I haven't the time to preview your listing
for a few weeks, however there is gentlemen who owns
"Arkansas Record-CD Exhange" Up in Little Rock,
Arkansas.  I've heard him on the talk radio and have
visited his business.  IF ANYONE knows recorded music
especially vintage music from the past this man may
be the answer to your paryers.  He can also obtain
any and all "Hard to find" records.

Arkansas Record-CD Exchange
phone: 501-753-7877
fax:   501-758-7556

IF by chance you have any Radio entertainment (OTR)
I would be thrilled to work on those as well, but
again, due to travel & work, I am booked till after
the 21st.

      Good Luck,

               Drew Malone; Raines III

--- Dismuke <dismuke@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I am helping someone go through the record
> collection of a vintage music
> fan who passed away a while back.  Rather than
> dispose of the
> collection, the owners are wanting to preserve and
> catalog it in honor
> of the person's memory. Some years ago, a tape
> recording was made of the
> collector's favorite records in order to provide
> more convenient
> listening.  Unfortunately, there are several
> selections on the tape that
> are no longer in the record collection and nobody
> has any idea as to
> what might have happened to them.  The only
> information the notes that
> accompany the tapes provide is song titles.
> Information about artist,
> record label and catalog number is, unfortunately,
> completely absent.
> One of the reasons we are wanting to identify this
> information is so
> that we can hopefully locate and purchase
> replacement copies.
> I have placed Real Audio sound files of all of the
> recordings that we
> are seeking information on at:
> http://dismuke.org/request.html    Does
> anyone here recognize any of these recordings?  If
> you have a large
> record collection, I would very much appreciate it
> if you would give
> them a listen and see if they match up to any of the
> versions that you
> might have in your collection.
> If you do have information about the recordings, my
> email address is
> dismuke@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Thanks.

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