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Re: [ARSCLIST] some Columbia questions

Dear Art,
    I can only reply with my British hat on. UK Columbia officially went
over to 78rpm on 1st September 1927. You should use the matrix-numbers if
you don't know recording-dates; the first 78 ones were WAX3036 (twelve-inch)
and WA6100 (ten-inch). The labels were printed in Columbia's Wandsworth
factory, and were often labelled "Speed 78" in blissful ignorance that they
were old recordings, so matrix-numbers tend to be safer. And yes, the
Beecham set of Handel's "Messiah" is at *both* speeds!
Peter Copeland

-----Original Message-----
From: Art Shifrin [mailto:goldens2@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 08 August 2003 01:12
To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [ARSCLIST] some Columbia questions


Is it known when Columbia (USA) & its affiliated labels 'officially' (&
defacto) stopped mastering @ 80 & commenced @ 78?

Also, do any of you know the set # of their 3 disk album of FDR's 1st
Inauguration & IF it came with any booklet?

Art Shifrin


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