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Re: [ARSCLIST] Long-term/preservation audio (delayed)

----- Original Message -----
From: "George Brock-Nannestad" <pattac@xxxxxxxx>
> Shawn wrote:
> >  I have a 78 stamper of an Opera number recorded in the 1950s,
> > it is very clear and playable,  (although you have to play it counter
> > and it had not lived a kind life.  It is copper with a nickel  facing.
> ----- it is not playable very well by means of a mono stylus or a thorn
> needle, because the two sides of the groove have different information
> being delayed one revolution with respect to the other. However, a
> elliptical (previous reservations still valid) and BROAD stylus in a
> pickup works well: just take one channel.
However, I have a number of shellac 78's dating back into the 19th century,
and they show no signs of deterioration. Are there any VERY-long-term issues
as far as the lifespan of shellac records is concerned, provided they are
stored under reasonable care (and aren't dropped)? Wouldn't metal also be
likely to corrode or be otherwise damaged?
Steven C. Barr

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