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Re: [ARSCLIST] Archiving to hard drive

>From our tests certain CDRs burned on quality burner such as Plextor provide
much better results than any DAT tape. Data .wav CDRs are possibly the best
way to archive as we see it, while audio CDRs are used for access only.
The data CDRs provide easy storage option and the "migration" to other
systems is hassle free.
Aging tests I have seen show over 100 years reliability in a air controlled
storage and this is fine for me right now. The oldest CDs we have are 20
real years old now - they all play.

Joav Shdema
Producer / Engineer

Joav Shdema Inc.
Sound Production / Restoration
T: 972 9 9502596 F: 972 9564381
----- Original Message -----
From: "Naropa Audio Archives" <archive@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 7:02 PM
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] Archiving to hard drive

> Joel wrote:
>   <Once the music is on a server (presumably on a hard disk) why would
> it necessarily need to be migrated? SCSI drives have built in error
> correction, and the data could be mirrored on another hard disk for
> security. Isn't this the most likely long-term data storage solution,
> bar none?>
> The IT people tell us so, but they also tell us 'likely' doesn't mean
> 'guaranteed.' They say we can't count on any hardware, like SCSI drives
> and the ports, or the corresponding software to see/hear the data, being
> around in the future. To me, a constantly evolving technology means the
> information has to be able to migrate forever.  (Science guy at CU tells
> me they're working on biological memory system that would allow us to
> eat the whole library and play it back by reading saliva.)
> If plan is for all copies to reside on server, advice we've received is
> to have at least one other server located someplace else that also
> contains the information, to protect against catastrophic loss of
> machine. (fire, flood, acts of war).
> Please let me know if you have any strong data on long-term viability of
> storing audio on servers that might put federal granting organizations
> at ease. Even the LOC digitization project doesn't seem to adequately
> appease preservation folks.
> Sue Salinger
> archive@xxxxxxxxxx
> (720)546-3573
> -----------------
> Joel Bresler
> 250 E. Emerson Rd.
> Lexington, MA 02420
> 781-862-4104 (Telephone & FAX)
> joel.br@xxxxxxxxxxx

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