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Re: [ARSCLIST] Off-topic stuff.

This is not the place to discuss other, somewhat related (maybe) technologies.  This is an audio list.
Many of us who participate are self-employed professionals.  We enter discussions related to our professional and audio interests to share our knowledge and experience with others and to be enlightened in turn.
The time it takes to scan messages concerning barely related fields is lost work time.  Even filtering out those by particular people doesn't work as the responses to their postings show up. 
Many of us with discographic interests, myself included, have unsubscribed from 78-C as a result of its overly chatty nature-often wildly off topic, political tirades and general blather.  The cost of fresh input, to me anyway, was simply not worth plowing through the morass.
Don't let this happen here.  Please keep this list focussed.
Steve Smolian
Well, it is apparent that the ARSC list seems to be almost totally related to audio and digital technology engineering rather than the total business of ARSC, which could include collection building, developing methods of retrieval, describing resources, and helping others locate material and recordings, among others, such as offering news of ARSC business, new research or archival achievements.  Perhaps there needs to be separate sections, as Special Libraries offers. Since ARSC officers have a separate list for ARSC business, this should be easily accommodated.

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