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[ARSCLIST] Wool Microphone?

OK all you groovy cats...What is a wool microphone?

I am going through the handwritten notes of sound engineer Paul Voigt (I feel very very lucky), and he mentions using a wool microphone (1928). Sometimes in  brackets, he mentions the number 102. And at times he mentions the wool becoming wet, and having to change mics.

A good example of this from one diary is, "Change to D mike as Wool 102 seems slightly watery"

While we're at it, what does he mean by a D mic?

Other interesting tidbits:

"Wax OK but cut cold. The left side of my oven is colder than the rest this morning."

"Bucharest, 21 Sept., 1928: Room Draping @ Sides + two carpets covering 1/3rd floor space. Room Still too Resonant." Sounds so much like my life, and I'm sure that of more than a few others on this list. Still the same basic story in 1928 - comforting, somehow...


Alyssa Ryvers

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