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[ARSCLIST] tony schwartz

Dear all,
Last night on the public radio program on preserving sound, Tony Schwartz, the great sounds guru in New York City was mentioned several times. Tony is an extraordinary thinker and his 60 years in the sound business give him a very unique perspective.  His library of over 50,000 recorded tapes is something that the Smithsonian should have and I hope someday, they can get it.

Coincidentally, I he was my mentor and he and I produced several extraordinary video programs on sound.  You may not be aware of them.  One is called Guerrilla Media: How to Use Electronic Media for Social Change and the other is called How I Produced Effective Radio.  Both of these programs are more than an hour and half long & reveal extraordinary techniques by Tony and some of his colleagues.

If you are interested in finding out more, please e-mail me. If you are interested in finding out more about the me as a filmmaker, please visit www.theHoffmancollection.com.

David Hoffman
Veteran Independant Filmmaker

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