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RE: arsclist Phonograph and cylinder auction webcast

The cylinder seems to be a moulded cylinder and therefore probably NOT "a one of a kind piece".  But that's me being a bit of a pedant; the clip is still very amusing.  It reminds me of one of our curators (he doesn't work here any more) who was demonstrating a cylinder player to an expectant audience of professional audio engineers gathered around a stand that we had at an APRS exhibition some years ago.  The curator wound the machine up and was just engaging the stylus with the cylinder (it was a 'sacrificial' cylinder) when the motor's speed governor gave up the ghost and the mandrel ran at a furious speed.  There was a terrible mechanical grinding, the cylinder was badly gouged, chips of cylinder flew around the room, the curator had his hand smartly rapped by the crazed machine, he turned the air blue with some fearsome and filthy oaths and the engineers departed guffawing wildly.
British Library National Sound Archive


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Magic Pencil : Children's Book Illustration Today (to 31 March) original graphic work of 13 contemporary artists


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