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RE: arsclist ELP Laser Turntable; Full 3-D mapping of groove?

Dear All

I believe George meant to say "Proceedings of the AES 20th International
2001 October 5-7, Archiving, Restoration, and New Methods of 
Recording", ISBN 0-937803-44-8. (Rather than 2002).

I was at the conference too and Christopher Hicks from CEDAR Audio Limited
did give a very interesting paper and demonstration of his work.  Taking
transfers of several pressings of particular recordings, resynchronising
them so as to present the 'best bits' only (thus avoiding badly degraded
sections) was impressive.  The listening conditions of the conference venue
were less than ideal but the outcome was certainly remarkable.

The bad news is that having quizzed Christopher after his paper, his work is
still way down on the steep bit of the research curve and it will be 'quite
some time' before CEDAR release a working tool.


Nigel Bewley
Manager, Technical Department

British Library National Sound Archive
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