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Re: arsclist Tubes will not die

Not to single out any single posting on this subject.. I am a bit
concerned over the use of language and what I see as attempts to impune the
credibility of individuals.

That having been stated...

>From the perspective of preservation/restoration...it would seem to me that
there are many related issues.


I remember a bull session where several composers were
asking the question, "what is electronic music." Ussachevsky leaned over
and simply said, "Loudspeakers." For me the implication was, all
electronic recordings were "electronic music," subject
to the characteristics of the reproducer and the ears of the listener.

An disc recorded acoustically might sound "better" when transferred with
a magnetic pickup, but is that preservation re recording? Similarly, is it
preservation when one uses solid state electronics to transfer a recording
done with tube electronics?

A practical example...I often think of this when I am working with an
aircheck...and wonder...now did that recording engineer really use this
particular equalization curve. It just doesn't "sound" right.

When one gets to splitting hairs...I wonder if there is a "right."
Perhaps one perspective might have more "right" about it than another?

For those of you who do preservation/restoration, what is "right?"

Is reformatting preservation?

Karl (who finds the notion of "Absolute Sound" to me a more of a marketing
tool than a reality, akin to the notion of a "definitive performance.")

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