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arsclist FW: [MLA-L] Ency Recorded Sound Contributors

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Carlin [mailto:rcarlin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Friday, August 30, 2002 4:54 AM
To: MLA-L@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [MLA-L] Ency Recorded Sound Contributors

Dear List:

      We are in the process of producing a second edition of THE
      ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RECORDED SOUND, originally published by Garland.

      While we have located many of the original contributors, we have
      unable to locate several people.  If any one in MLA knows of their
      whereabouts, please let us know (or pass this email along to the
      appropriate parties).

      The missing contributors are:

      Rev Claude Arnold
      William Ashbrook
      Garrett Bowles
      John Case
      Edgar Hutto
      Warren Rex Isom
      Bill Klinger
      Michael Lane
      R. Dale McIntosh
      Robert O'Brien
      Steven Permut
      Robert Reinher
      Gerald Seaman
      Jon Swartz
      Larry Warner

      If you have any information, please contact Shannon McLachlan at
      Routledge smclachlan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or (917) 351-7139.

      Thanks for your help.

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