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RE: arsclist TDK audio cassettes

Margaret Jones wrote (extract):

> which have a clear plastic window which has a significant overlap with
> the black or grey plastic case but does not cover it completely. They
> were only manufactured between 1987 and 1995 and say "super precision
> anti-resonance cas. mech." on the face. There is some question about
> the plastic injection technology I think 

----- It is fascinating to see that ARSCLIST may also be used to 
provide evidence for court cases - the most likely need for this kind 
of information would be a design patent or a utility patent case in 
which it is important to establish a date of first public user. A US 
inventor would be entitled to one year grace period subsequent to 
his own publication or public user, within which he may file a valid 
patent application. Not so for foreign inventors, many patent 
applications filed outside the US have been lost because the 
applicant did not know that such publications would kill his 

Kind regards,

George Brock-Nannestad

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