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Re: arsclist Digital knowledge preservation

On 18-Jun-02, Mike Loughlin wrote:
>> That sems to be a good collection, but the web page is too big for
>> easy downloading (it crashed one browser), and you have to register
>> to listen, which means yet more Spam.
> If you cannot download this web page easily your equipment is
> obsolete. (Cable connection + Musicmatch Jukebox=no problem)

I do have cable, but most people don't. I would guess that world wide
less than 1% of web users are on cable, so a 4 Meg web page isn't very
practical.  In general, a web page should download in less than 15
seconds on a modem - faster if it's the index page.

It's a pity, because there seems to be some useful material there.

Don Cox

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