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Re: arsclist ARSC Conference Program and dues reminder

The conference website is at http://nico.library.ucsb.edu/arsc/. There are registration forms available on the site, of if you are a member you should be receiving this information in the mail shortly. Details about the program proper are at http://nico.library.ucsb.edu/arsc/program.html. Program Chair Sam Brylawski has done a great job of creating a varied program that will have something of interest for everyone. It will be great for ARSC to meet out on the West Coast finally!

BTW, just a correction: the meeting is being held May 8-11, not 5-8.

Jim Farrington
President-Elect, ARSC
Sibley Music Library
Eastman School of Music
27 Gibbs St.
Rochester, NY  14604-2596
585-274-1304    585-274-1380 f

At 11:38 AM 3/6/02, you wrote:

Will descriptions of the various conference sessions become available at any time?

Hannah Frost
Media Preservation Librarian
Stanford University Libraries

At 08:44 PM 3/5/2002 -0500, you wrote:
I was getting ready to remind folks that the deadline for ARSC (Assn. for
Recorded Sound Collections) dues and membership directory data sheet is the
end of this week and the date is important because you will be listed in the
Directory if you are in on time.

But, I just received the URL for the Program and other info on the ARSC
Conference which will be in Santa Barbara from May 5-8th. So I wanted to post
that. I mention this because the member discount for Conference pays for a
good portion of your dues.

ARSC is a wonderful and important organiation which I've belonged to for 25
years (I'm also volunteer Treasurer). The Conferences are always super and
you get to meet some real important folks from major institutions who are a
lot of fun too!

Anyway, here is the URL for the Conference Program and Registration. And you
can join ARSC at the main web site at www.arsc-audio.org


Steve Ramm
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________________________ Hannah Frost Media Preservation Librarian Stanford University Libraries - For subscription instructions, see the ARSC home page http://www.arsc-audio.org/arsclist.html Copyright of individual posting is owned by the author of the posting and permission to re-transmit or publish a post must be secured from the author of the post.

- For subscription instructions, see the ARSC home page http://www.arsc-audio.org/arsclist.html Copyright of individual posting is owned by the author of the posting and permission to re-transmit or publish a post must be secured from the author of the post.

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