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arsclist Fwd: from [Graeme Jaye <GRJAYE@terra.es>]

Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 19:58:17 +0100
From: Graeme Jaye <GRJAYE@xxxxxxxx>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v1.49) Personal
Reply-To: Graeme Jaye <graemejaye@xxxxxxxxx>
Organization: Personal-CD
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
Message-ID: <95187633803.20020122195817@xxxxxxxxx>
To: Karl Miller <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: arsclist Waves Restoration Plugins
In-reply-To: <Pine.OSF.4.44.0201211229200.3873-100000@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <Pine.OSF.4.44.0201211229200.3873-100000@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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Hi Karl

Karl> Was curious if anyone had any experience with the new Waves
Karl> Restoration Plugins and how they might compare with CEDAR.

I've had a look at these, but I can't say I was that impressed - and
*certainly* not at the price being asked for them, it's outrageous!!

There is not a lot of control over the various parameters and to me it
looked very similar to the Algorithmix algorithms (but with fancier
graphics) and I was never impressed by those, either.  Later, I
discovered they had, indeed, licensed the technology from Algorithmix,
so that explains the similarity.

Quite honestly, CEDAR is a different ball-game altogether and there
absolutely no comparison to CEDAR.

If you can't run to CEDAR prices (and I certainly can't) then there
are plenty of effective solutions (both in ability and cost) which
will run you a lot less than the Waves plug-ins.

Graeme Jaye


Audio Restoration and CD Repair

Esther Gillie, Sound Recording Archivist Phone: 716-274-1330 Eastman Audio Archive Fax: 716-274-1380 Eastman School of Music, Sibley Music Library esth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 27 Gibbs Street, Rochester, NY 14604

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