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Analog system noise

Forgive the cross-postings.  The question concerns all of us doing sound preservation from disc sources.
Has anyone come up with a number for the acceptable amount of noise in an analog system, stylus tip to converter, and how to measure it?
I've been using my digital meters with a peak hold feature.  I play the old Victor (actually Western Electric) test record with a 1K continuous tone and bring all levels to zero throughout the system to the coverter, where I set it at -2 db.  (If I don't, then random shellac noises will push me into the red and I get no useful number.)  I then remove the stylus from the groove, reset, and see what number comes up.  I then subtract 2 to account for my -2 setting, and assume that is a reading of analog system noise.
I realize that the numbers will differ a bit,depending on stylus size- larger ones have greater output.
Comments on the procedure?
Any ideas on what would be an acceptable minimum amount of system noise? 
Steve Smolian

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