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Re: arsclist Seeking Natalia L. Solovieva

I recall she had a fax number that was in the ARSC directory.

Joe Salerno
Video Works! Is it working for you?
PO Box 273405 - Houston TX 77277-3405
----- Original Message -----
From: <BWerb@xxxxxxxxx>
To: <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, June 08, 2001 10:09 AM
Subject: arsclist Seeking Natalia L. Solovieva

> Does any List member know the email address of Moscow sound archivist
> Natalia L. Solovieva?  Ms Solovieva (of the Glinka Museum) spoke at the
> 1996 ARSC Conference in Kansas City and later contributed an article based
> on this talk to the Journal.  Feel free to reply off-list.  With thanks,
> Bret Werb
> Washington DC
> bwerb@xxxxxxxxx
> -
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