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Re: arsclist query on reformatting media

I would be interested to know what you discover.
Could you summarize and post to the list?

>>> seubert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 05/18/01 01:43AM >>>
Could you please contact me off list if you are 1) an institutional 
archives of some sort 2) you are *not* using open reel tape as your 
preservation media for reformatting and 3) you have an active reformatting 
program. If you aren't using open reel, could you tell me what media you do 
use (CD, DAT or other media)?

Thank you in advance.
David Seubert, Curator
Performing Arts Collections
Davidson Library Special Collections
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
805-893-5444 Fax 805-893-5749

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