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Re: arsclist Slotless Reels continued

In my experience, the problem has resulted in spoking, an uneven tension line readiating from the center.  Over time, the take stretches slightly at each iteration, thus momentarily dripping the pich, introducing wow.  I've not encountered dropouts which I've traced back to this cause.
I good intermediate solution is to wrap the first leaf around the hub rather than putting the nose of it intio the slot.  I's a two-handed job- you have to hold the tape against the hub with one hand and swing the reel around with the other until it "catches."  Sometime this has to be attemped more than once.  It sharply reduces the likelihood of spoking from this cause.
Steve Smolian
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2001 6:01 PM
Subject: arsclist Slotless Reels continued

Anyone who wants to add to or correct this feel free...
Generally, a tape reel consists of a hub (the round part in the middle around which the tape is wrapped) and two side walls called "flanges" that hold the tape "pack" in place once it's wrapped around the hub. Very often if you look at an empty reel you will see a small slot in the central hub part. The original purpose of the slot was to hold the first little bit of tape so that once winding began, the layers of tape wouldn't slip on the rotating hub. However, tapes that have been wound on "slotted hubs" and stored for any length of time often show a problem in the form of slight tape deformation near the hub. The little indentation of the slot itself can make a crease or dimple on the first layers of tape, and these can in turn cause several inches of the tape pack to mirror the same crease. In other words, the nice smooth wind that assures even tape-to-head contact is lost, and the crease can be heard in the form of a dropout as the tape passes over the playback head. Audio archivists have long recommended the use of slotless reels-- that is, reels with slotless hubs. The tape is held in place not by tucking the end into a slot but just by surface tension as it wraps around the hub. Using slotless hubs results in a much smoother wind generally and does away with the crease that can permanently deform the tape.
Hope this helps!
Steve Green

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