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Diplomatic Oral Histories on CD

List members:

One of your colleagues - Jon Reynolds of Georgetown University - was
working with the Association for Diplomatic Studies in creating a CD-ROM
with our diplomatic oral history transcripts on it.  Jon, unfortunately,
died recently, but I thought I would inform the list about the CD.  Here is
the announcement that was place on the H-DIPLO web.

I am happy to announce that at last the Association for Diplomatic Studies
and Training is releasing a CD-ROM with 893 transcripts from its Foreign
Affairs Oral History Collection.  The CD-Rom also has 48 country readers -
country-specific compilations of excerpts from the individual histories. 
These oral histories are by both career and non-career American diplomats
and others who were involved in the forming and implementing of American
foreign policy from World War II to the present.
	The accounts cover U.S. relations with almost every country in the world. 
Subjects range from epic events to the tedium of everyday actions.  The
interviews also describe the lives abroad of diplomatic officers engaged in
specialized activities such as economic development and assistance, public
diplomacy, agriculture, labor issues, consular matters and negotiations on
disarmament and trade.  The collection incorporates some two dozen
interviews from U.S. presidential libraries. These oral histories represent
an unparalleled primary source for those interested in the foreign
relations of the United States. A powerful search engine enables users to
find instantly all references to any subject, theme, time or place.
	The interviews are surprisingly frank and give a side to the workings of
diplomacy that does not appear from reading the official records.  For
information about this offering, entitled Frontline Diplomacy: The U.S.
Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection, please check the Association's
website - www.adst.org or write to: 

Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training
4000 Arlington Blvd.
Arlington, VA 22204
			Telephone (703) 302-6990
			Fax (703) 302-6799

Charles Stuart Kennedy, Director 
Foreign Affairs Oral History Program

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