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Re: arsclist sound cards 24/96

I'm sounding like the bloody Sek'd sales person...I don't have a Sek'd card, but I would certainly check them out if I was in the market. For what I do, my Zefiro Acoustics ZA2 digital card is perfect--I've built my operation around it. Several "golden ears" that I trust told me the SV-3800 DAT had excellent A-D converters. I bought that before I had the computer. I use it as my outboard A-Ds and I also get a DAT backup in case of one of those rare "Bill Gates Moments"

I WOULD suggest if you're doing serious, production work on the computer that you use a dedicated computer. I risk coasters when I try to surf the net, answer email, or do CD graphics (especially graphics) while burning CDs.

I also can't quite reliably ingest audio at the same time I'm burning CDs. I could perhaps tweak something, but I get buffer overflows on the ZA2...so certainly at 24/96 you need a dedicated machine.

Finally, reasonable disk storage is a non-issue. 26G suits my purposes for two-track 44.1/16.



At 07:50 PM 08/02/2000 -0500, Joe Salerno wrote:
What is the latest on 24/96 cards that work from analog sources and run from

I've heard of Ego-Sys Wave Terminal 2496 from Korea and Cardd Deluxe. Any
others worth considering?

Joe Salerno
Video Works! Is it working for you?
PO Box 273405 - Houston TX 77277-3405
Fax: 603-415-7616

Richard L. Hess richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Glendale, CA USA http://www.richardhess.com/ Web page: folk and church music, photography, broadcast engineering, home wiring, and more

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