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Fw: CFP: MUSIC Info Retrieval 2000 announcement


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Trescott Research Business/Library/Archive Development -
Writing/Publishing/Research Paul T. Jackson Information
Consultant/Analyst mailto:trescott@xxxxxxxxxxxx

----- Original Message -----
From: J. Stephen Downie <jdownie@xxxxxxxx>
To: <DIGLIB@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2000 9:06 AM
Subject: CFP: MUSIC Info Retrieval 2000 announcement

| Colleague--
| Below is an announcement of MUSIC IR 2000, the International Symposium
| Music Information Retrieval, to be held this October in Plymouth,
Mass. For
| details, including a two-page color brochure in .pdf form, see the
| Symposium Web site:
|     http://ciir.cs.umass.edu/music2000/
| Please forward this message to anyone you think would be interested.
| Marvin Minsky as keynote speaker and a panel with live piano music, we
| anticipate a very unusual and interesting program. We hope you'll
| --Don Byrd, and J. Stephen Downie, on behalf of the MUSIC IR 2000
| Commitee
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| MUSIC IR 2000
| Plymouth, Massachusetts
| October 23 - 25, 2000
| International Symposium on Music Information Retrieval
| http://ciir.cs.umass.edu/music2000
| Important Dates and Deadlines:
| June 15:        Research papers due
| August 15:      Authors notified of committee decision
| September 15:   Final submission of camera-ready copy
| Sponsored by the National Science Foundation
| About Music IR 2000
| Interest in music information retrieval (music IR) is exploding.  This
is not
| surprising: music IR has the potential for a wide variety of
applications in
| the educational and academic domains as well as for entertainment.
Yet, until
| now, there has been no established forum specifically for people
| music retrieval.
| The International Symposium on Music Information Retrieval will be
held in
| Plymouth, Massachusetts from October 23-25, 2000. Building upon
research being
| conducted around the world, this will be the first music IR symposium.
| resulting information interchange will enable scholars to move more
| towards viable solutions to many problems. The conference will include
| invited and submitted papers, plus a panel with live performance of
| examples on the piano. The keynote speaker will be Marvin Minsky,
founder of
| the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and long-term member of the
| Computer Music Journal editorial Board.
| General Topics
| Topics to be covered may include, but are not limited to, the
| " Estimating similarity of melodies and polyphonic music
| " Music representation and indexing
| " Problems of recognizing music optically and/or via audio
| " Routing and filtering for music
| " Building up music databases
| " Evaluation of music-IR systems
| " Intellectual property rights issues
| " User interfaces for music IR
| " Issues related to musical styles and genres
| " Language modeling for music
| " User needs and expectations
| Conference Organizing Committee
| " Conference Chair: Donald Byrd, University  of  Massachusetts -
| " Program Chair: J. Stephen Downie, University of Illinois at
| " Tim Crawford, Kings College, London
| " W. Bruce Croft, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
| " Craig Nevill-Manning, Rutgers University
| Call for Papers
| Research papers must consist of original contributions (not previously
| published, and not currently being considered for publication
| Full research papers of at most 3,000 words including an abstract,
| affiliation, and keywords should be submitted via email (preferred
method) to
| music2000@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or via mail to the address indicated below
| must be received by June 15, 2000.  If submitting via email, attach a
file in
| .pdf format (preferred), PostScript, or Microsoft Word.  If you submit
| PostScript or Word file, enclose any unusual fonts (e.g., music). It
may be
| safest to submit diagrams and music examples in one or more separate
| files, GIF files, or EPS files with unusual fonts embedded. If
submitting by
| mail, send three hardcopies of the paper.  Authors will be informed of
| Program Committee's decision by August 15, and camera-ready copy of
| papers must be received by September 15.
| Mailing Address for Paper Submissions:
| MUSIC IR 2000
| CIIR, Department of Computer Science
| 140 Governors Drive
| University of Massachusetts
| Amherst, MA  01003-4610
| Phone: 1-413-545-0463
| Email:  music2000@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
| About Plymouth, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
| Plymouth is the site of the first permanent European settlement in New
| and the site of the first American "Thanksgiving."
| Plymouth Historic Attractions:
| o Mayflower II - reproduction of ship that brought the Pilgrims to
| o Plimoth Plantation - reproduction of the 1627 Pilgrim village;
| living museum of Pilgrim life, with staff playing Pilgrim roles.
| o Plymouth Rock, where the Pilgrims are believed to have disembarked.
| o Pilgrim Hall Museum
| o 1749 Court House
| o Trolley Tours
| Other Plymouth Attractions:
| o Plymouth Harbor Cruises
| o Ocean Spray Cranberry Visitor Center and Museum
| o Splashdown Amphibious Tours
| ******************************************************************
|  Announcing the first issue of Sun's Campus Advisor newsletter.
| Formerly known as the Administrative Advisor, the newsletter has
| been re-named to reflect broader coverage of the entire spectrum
|    of Higher Education computing, including HPC, collaborative
|  research, bioinformatics,libraries, web-based learning, and more.
|   Check it out at http://www.sun.com/edu/admin/Winter00.pdf
| ******************************************************************

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