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Re[3]: arsclist Reels and Boxes

     Pardon my typo's and pardon my burdening the list with my corrections, 
     below, but I'm too fussy to let them go.
     Mark T.

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Subject: Re[2]: arsclist Reels and Boxes
Author:  mtolleson at LINCOLN_CENTER
Date:    03/07/2000 12:13 PM

     I did some homework today and found out several things:
     1) LC had some LP's that molded while sealed in the Pickett-Lemcoe 
     conceived disc storage packages, realized and made for the Library of 
     Congress by the Shield-Pack firm (West Monroe, LA) (hereafter referred 
     to as shield-packs) -- that must have been what I saw (or was told 
     about).  It's possible that the records were put away too soon after 
     being cleaned, and so moisture was encapsulated with them.
     2) The lacquer incident I remember happened at the R&H Archives.  We 
     had a least one, and maybe more, lacquers that came out a mess after 
     being sealed in Shield-Packs.  As above, they might have been put away 
     with a wet label after being cleaned prior to repackaging.  Don, 
     Adrian, and Seth could elaborate.
     3) LC quit sealing the shield packs some years ago.  (BEFORE doing my 
     homework I knew that R&H had quit sealing shield packs years ago.)
     I don't claim to have a perfect memory -- that's why I put the "as I 
     recall" caveat in my original comment.  The next time I'll be more 
     clear that I'm quoting from hazy memory (when I am).  This is a 
     discussion list and I would hope to be able to join in on the 
     discussion spontaneously.  My apologies.
     In any case, I believe that the hermetically sealed approach is not a 
     good one.
     For the record:
     What I say here is my opinion only unless I say it is an official 
     opinion of NYPL -- in which case our Public Relations Office would be 
     posting here, not I.  
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Subject: Re: arsclist Reels and Boxes
Author:  "Gerald D Gibson" <ggib@xxxxxxx> at Internet 
Date:    03/07/2000 8:50 AM
Good morning Mark:
I've worked at LC with the audio collection in various capacities 
since 1972 and do not recall 'a bad experience with lacquers sealed 
into shield-packs [sic].' Can you give me more info so that I can try 
and find out what supposedly happened and why it was attributed to 
sealing of the Pickett-Lemcoe conceived disc storage package, realized 
and made for the Library of Congress by the Shield-Pack firm (West 
Monroe, LA)?
Thanks, Gerry
Gerald Gibson
Audio and Moving-image Preservation Specialist 
Preservation Research and Testing Division 
Library of Congress
Washington, D.C. 20540-4560
>>> mtolleson <mtolleson@xxxxxxxx> 03/03 4:27 PM >>>
     4) The Library of Congress had a bad experience with lacquers
     into shield-packs (as I recall)

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