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CD-DA versus CD-R

It seems to me that CD-DA is the preferred storage medium - it offers more
chance of playability in the future.

What is the best way to chop up the large sound file obtained from the
analogue/digital transfer, into smaller files needed to make tracks on the

I use the 'autiregion' function of Sonic Foundry Sound Forge.  However, as
far as I can see [and I may be wrong on this]  it doesn't work!  The regions
created, by recognising the large gaps of silence on our tapes, are very
'eccentric' - and I have tried all the possible configurations.

What software is recommended for the purpose I ahve in mind?  To do it
manually takes about 10-20 minutes per reel of tape - and we have over 10
000 items in our library!


Jean-Pierre Fouche

(International Library of African Music )
Tel: 27-46-6038557
Fax: 27-46-6224411
Email: J.Fouche@xxxxxxxx

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