The Commission on Preservation and Access

The Production and Bibliographic Control of Latin American Preservation Microforms in the United States

Appendix B: Summary Results of Sample Surveys Concerning Preservation Information

A. Comparison of selected author or title listings from four major bibliographic sources to microforms.

       entry        number of entries for each source

                           A          B     C      D
Argentina (A)            194         38     46     5
Bolivia (A)              102         23     18     3
Brazil (A)               200         47     47    10
Costa Rica (A)            65         20     14     3
Dominican Rep. (A)        35         10     11     4
Ecuador (A)               63         19     16     6
Peru (A)                 132         40     26     5
Venezuela (A)            176         24     15     1

Buenos Aires (A)          62         13      0     1
Caracas (A)                7          2      1     0
Lima (A)                  19          9      1     5

Arenas (A)                 2          0      0     0
García (A)               155          3      5    16
González (A)             118          4      2     6
Martinez (A)              87          1      3     4
Núñez (A)                 46          0      0     4

Boletín (T)               31         40      4     1
Gaceta  (T)               17         18     12     0
Gazeta (T)                 3          6     43     0
Informe (T)                2          5      1     3
Revista (T)              210        157     46     0

col. A, National Register of Microform Masters. (NRMM)
col. B, Guide to Microforms in Print (MIP)
col. C, Microfilming Projects Newsletter. (MPN)
col. D, Bibliographic Guide to Microform Publications. (BGM)

("A" indicates that only author entries were tallied; "T" indicates that only title entries were tallied. Where detected, duplicate entries have been omitted. For entries not specific to Latin America (personal names; titles like "Boletin" or "Revista"), only known Latin American materials have been tallied. Some sources, particularly MIP and BGM, suffer from occasional coding errors for initial articles in titles and the consequent misfiling of entries. The tallies do not adjust for such anomalies.)

B. Main entry "Venezuela": 177 author or title entries.

I. Report sources for the existence of microfilm. (Alternate forms of entry may result in underrepresentation of duplication.):

 NRMM only:                                     141
 MPN only:                                       14
 BGM only:                                        3
 MIP only:                                        4
 MIP plus MPN plus NRMM:                          6
 MPN plus NRMM:                                   5
 MIP plus NRMM:                                   3
 MPN plus BGM:                                    1

2. Sources for microfilm. (Names for film producers are those given in each bibliographic source. Some commercial sources, in particular, have changed since the listings were printed.):

 New York Public Library:                        64
 Library of Congress:                            45
 General Microfilm Company:                      44
 IDC:                                            13
 Research Publications:                           7
 Univ. of California, Berkeley:                   3
 Datamics:                                        3
 Source not available:                            3
 Kraus Thompson:                                  1
 University of North Carolina:                    1
 Chadwyck-Healey:                                 1
 Lost Cause Press:                                1
 Brookhaven Press:                                1
 National Library of Medicine:                    1
 University of Texas:                             1

C. Main entry "Caracas" (all author entries): 10 entries.

1. Reporting sources for the existence of microfilm. (See note under B.1.):

 NRMM only:                                       7
 MPN only:                                        2
 MIP only:                                        1

2. Sources of microfilm. (See note under B.2.):

 New York Public Library:                         6
 General Microfilm Company:                       3
 University Microfilms:                           1
 University of Texas:                             1
 University of Minnesota:                         1

D. Main entry (all titles) "Revista": 387 total.

1. Reporting sources for the existence of microfilm. (See note under B.1.):

 NRMM only:                                      117
 MPN only:                                        90
 MIP only:                                        29
 BGM only:                                         O
 MPN plus NRMM:                                   33
 MIP plus NRMM:                                   21
 MIP plus MPN plus NRMM:                          13
 MIP plus MPN:                                     4

2. Sources of microfilm. (See note under B.2.):

 New York Public Library:                        72
 University of Texas:                            64
 Library of Congress:                            47
 University Microfilms:                          36
 Datamics:                                       35
 General Microfilm Company:                      14
 National Library of Medicine:                   12
 University of Kentucky:                         12
 Yale University:                                12
 Biblioteca Nacional, Brazil:                    11
 University of Toronto:                          11
 Harvard College:                                 8
 Countway Library of Medicine:                    6
 Southern Baptist Convention:                     6
 Information unavailable:                         6
 University of Wisconsin:                         4
 Custom Microfilm Systems:                        4
 Kraus Thompson:                                  3
 Hoover Institution:                              2
 Biblioteca Santa Ana (Spain):                    2
 Indiana University:                              2
 Brookhaven Press:                                2
 University of Kansas:                            1
 Catholic Microfilm Center:                       1
 University of Illinois:                          1
 Columbia University:                             1
 Center for Research Libraries:                   1
 Princeton University:                            1
 Univ. of California, Berkeley:                   1
 Louisiana State University:                      1
 University of Utah:                              1

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