"Annual Reports of the World's Central Banks--Latin American and
Caribbean Collections."
Retrospective edition, ca. 1,000
Current collections, 1984-1988.
"Bibliothèque Linguistique Americaine."
70 microfiche; 25 original volumes.
"Originally filmed by Microcard Editions and now exclusively available
from UPA."
University Publications of America.
"Brazil's Popular Groups."
32 reels (plus).
Library of Congress.
"British Diplomatic Blue Book Series, 1800-1899: Central and South
Irish Microforms, Ltd.
Reviewed in Microform Review, Sept., 1977.
"Census Reports."
(125 titles, including some from Latin American countries.)
Listed in Microform Research Collections: A Guide (1984).
"CIDOC Collection: The History of Religiosity in Latin America, 1880-1970."
3 large installments containing many thousands of monograph and serial
titles, on many thousands of fiche. Organized by categories, with
finding guide and filmer-provided "preliminary" catalog cards.
"Current National Statistical Compendiums on Microfiche." (1974-)
Available in country/regional (and other) groupings.
"Formerly issued by Greenwood Press."
Congressional Information Service.
Review in Microform Review 44 (Oct.. 1975).
Listed in Microform Research Collections: A Guide (1984).
Also see Latin American and Caribbean Official Statistical Serials...,"
and National Statistical Reports on Microfiche..."
"The Discovery, Conquest, and Organization of Spanish America and Oceania."
239 microfiche; 42 original volumes.
"Originally filmed by Microcard Editions and now available from UPA."
University Publications of America.
"Dominican Republic: Adaptive Agricultural Research Project, 1981-1985."
37 microfiche.
"Economic Surveys, 1921-1957--Latin America and the Caribbean."
206 surveys on 256 microfiche.
"Government Organizational Manuals, 1900-1977."
5,508 microfiche: includes 11 Latin American countries (among many
"Hispanic Culture Series." 1964-)
Incorporates Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin American books, 15th-17th
centuries. List dated 9/89 reports 532 reels, with filming continuing at
40,000 pages per year.
General Microfilm Company.
Listed in Microform Research Collections: A Guide (1984).
"Historical Archives of the Brazilian Workers Movement."
Listed in "Microfilm Catalogue 82" of "at the Giangiacomo Feltrinelli
Foundation, Via Romagnosi 3, Milano 20121 Italy"
"International Population Census Publications: Latin America
Pre- 1945 76 reels.
1945-1967 128 reels.
Post-1967, 88 reels (all per 1991 list).
Research Publications.
Review in Microform Review 5-4 (Oct., 1976).
Listed in Microform Research Collections: A Guide (1984,
"Latin American and Caribbean Official Statistical Serials, 1821 to
1982--including recent updates."
5,006 microfiche.
Review in Microform Review 9-3 (Summer, 1980).
Listed in Microform Research Collections: A Guide (1984).
Also see "Current National Statistical Compendiums on Microfiche," and
National Statistical Reports on Microfiche..."
"Latin American Documents." (1960-)
931 reels as of Dec., 1980.
Based on "Recent Books" section from Inter-American Review of
Bibliography; selected titles from the National Union Catalog
subsequently added.
General Microfilm Company.
Listed in Microform Research Collections: A Guide (1984.)
"Latin American Pamphlets from the Yale University Library, 1600-1900."
10,500 microfiche.
"Originally filmed by Clearwater Publishing Co. and now available from
University Publications of America.
"Latin American Statistical Reports" (IDC)--see "National Statistical Reports on Microfiche: Latin America."
"Latin American Travels." (1964-)
257 reels, completed project.
General Microfilm Company.
Contents indexed in Ann Niles, ed., An Index to Microform Collections
(v. 2, 232-276).
Listed in Microform Research Collections: A Guide(1984).
"Medina's Biblioteca Hispano-Americana."
176 reels to date, continuing project.
General Microfilm Company.
Listed in Microform Research Collections: A Guide (1984).
"National Development Plans: Social and Economic Development Plans on
Microfiche." (available by region; Latin America with 356 plans on 2,057
microfiche per April, 1989 brochure.)
Review in Microform Review 6-6 (Nov., 1977).
Listed in Microform Research Collections: A Guide (1984).
"National Statistical Reports on Microfiche: Latin America."
187 series per April, 1989 brochure. annual updates.
Listed in Microform Research Collections:A Guide (1984).
Also see "Current National Statistical Compendiums on Microfiche," and
"Latin American and Caribbean Official Statistical Serials..."
"Nicaragua Now."
30 pamphlets, 1 reel.
New York Public Library.
"Official Gazettes."
(also available on title-by-title basis.)
KTO Microform Division in association with the New York Public Library.
Review in Microform Review 4-1 (Jan., 1974).
"The 'Official Press' of Oaxaca, Mexico, dated 1846 thru 1956."
39 reels (vesicular).
Southwest Micropublishing, Inc.
"Organization of American States Documents and Publications."
continuing microform set, available directly from OAS.
"Peróe;n Era Political Pamphlets and Monographs."
1,485 microfiche; 650 original items. University Publications of
America. (Not available outside the United States.")
Revistas Hispano-Americanas."
(Latin American journals in Spanish, Portuguese, French, and English.)
373 reels to date. Continuing project (per list dated 9/89); titles
available separately.
General Microfilm Company.
"Rural and Regional Development: Development Plans, Programmes, and
116 Latin American titles, 226 microfiche. ongoing project.
"Selected Americana from Sabin's Dictionary of Books Relating to
America, from Its Discovery to the Present Time." (1968-).
originally on microcard, subsequently to microfiche. units 1-129,"
119,958 microfiche; "units 130-" on a continuing basis, with 1,620
microfiche as of Dec., 1990.
OCLC Retrocon records available..."
Research Publications. (original project by Lost Cause Press.)
Listed in Microform Research Collections: A Guide (1984).
"The Women's Movement in Cuba, 1898-1958: The Stoner Collection on Cuban Feminism."
15 reels.
Scholarly Resources.
"El Archivo de Hidalgo del Parral 1631-1821."
323 reels.
Bell Howell, Micro Photo Division.
Review in Microform Review 1-1 (Jan., 1972).
Listed in Microform Research Collections: A Guide (1984).
"Background Briefs and Foreign Policy Documents, 1980-1988."
British Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
(some documents of Latin Americanist interest; 644 microfiche
British Records Relating to America in Microform":
Customs 3,1696-1780 in the Public Record Office, London.
Microform Limited (formerly "EP Microform Limited").
Review in Microform Review 64 (July, 1977).
Listed in Microform Research Collections: A Guide (1984).
British Records Relating to America in Microform":
Papers Relating to the English Colonies in America and the West Indies
1627-1699 in the British Museum (Egerton Manuscripts 2395).
Microform Limited (formerly "EP Microform Limited").
Review in Microform Review 64 (July, 1977).
Listed in Microform Research Collections: A Guide (1984).
"British Union Catalogue of Latin Americana."
164 microfiche, plus 132 microfiche in the Library of Congress
"CIA Research Reports: Latin America, 1946-1976."
University Publications of America.
Review in Microform Review 144 (Fall, 1985).
"Colección de Documentos para la Historia de la Oposición Politica al
Estado Autoritaria en Chile (1973-1981)."
3 vol., plus 14 microfiche.
(unclear whether the fiche represent printed or manuscript sources.)
"Colonial Latin American Manuscripts & Transcripts in the Obadiah Rich
33 reels; collection at New York Public Library.
Research Publications.
"Confidential U.S. State Department Central Files."
("... concentrating exclusively on those Central Files that have not
been microfilmed by the National Archives or other publishers...")
Many Latin American sets; brochure gives full listing.
University Publications of America.
"Crises in Panama and the Dominican Republic: National Security Files
and NSC Histories 1963-1969)."
8 reels.
University Publications of America.
"The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962."
586 microfiche plus 2-volume index. Based on a bibliography prepared by
the "National Security Archive."
"FBI File on the American Churchwomen Killed in El Salvador, December
2 reels.
Scholarly Resources.
"Foreign Nations: The Special Studies Series: Latin America, 1962-1980."
Also "1980-1982 Supplement"; "1982-1985 Supplement"; "1985-1988 Supplement."
University Publications of America.
"The John F. Kennedy National Security Files: Latin America: National
Security Files, 1961-1963."
1O reels.
University Publications of America.
"The Lyndon B. Johnson National Security Files: Latin America: National
Security Files, 1963-1969."
13 reels.
University Publications of America.
"The Mexican Mission Papers of John Lind."
7 reels.
Minnesota Historical Society.
Review in Microform Review 2-3 (July, 1973).
"Mexico: British Foreign Office General Correspondence."
1919-1956; 1957-1958.
Years 1919-1956 originally published by Clearwater Publishing Co. and
now available from UPA."
University Publications of America.
"Music and Dance in Surinam."
116 microfiche.
"Naval Office Shipping Lists for the West Indies, 1678-1825 (Excluding
15 reels.
Microform Ltd.
Review in Microform Review 11-4 (Fall, 1982).
"OSS/State Department Intelligence and Research Reports. Part XIV: Latin
America, 1941-1961."
1O reels.
University Publications of America.
Review in Government publications Review 7A-1 (1980).
Listed in Microform Research Collections: A Guide (1984).
"Publications from the U.S. Department of State Records, 1810-1959
(National Archives Record Group 59)."
Extensive offerings, generally arranged by country.
Scholarly Resources "in association with the National Archives and
Records Administration."
"El Salvador: The Making of U.S. Policy, 1977-1984."
870 microfiche with 2-volume index. Based on a bibliography prepared by
the National Security Archive."
"U.S. Military Intelligence Reports."
Argentina, 1918-1941 (4 reels).
Mexico, 1919-1941 (9 reels).
University Publications of America.
"Archives and Manuscripts on Microfilm in the Nettie Lee Benson Latin
American Collection: A Checklist," Jane Garner, comp. (Austin:
University of Texas, 1980). 48 p.
Lists 400 items; reviewed in Microform Review 11-3 (Summer, 1982).
"Catálogo Micropelículas." Centro de Microfilmación, Sistema de Bibliotecas, Universidad de Puerto Rico - Recinto de Rio Piedras. 6a edición, junio, 1990.
The Center for Research Libraries, Handbook (Chicago: CRL, 1990).
Mary Ann Fisher, "Preliminary Guide to the Microfilm Collection in The
Bancroft Library."
(Berkeley: University of California, March, 1955).
"Guide to Photocopied Historical Materials in the United States and Canada," Richard W. Hale, Jr. (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press for the American Historical Association, [1961]).
"HRAF--Microfiles." (1958-)
continuing project.
Human Relations Area Files, Inc.; distributed in the United States by
University Microfilms International.
Listed in Microform Research Collections: A Guide (1984).
"ICCG [Intensive Cuban Collecting Group] Master Negatives, June 1990."
"Informacion Documental de América Latina." Dossiers apparently on microfiche in various series, in conjunction with Bell & Howell, Toronto. Brochures date from 1977; current information not located.
"Latin America and the Caribbean: A Dissertation Bibliography," Carl W. Deal, ed. (Ann Arbor: University Microfilms International, [1977?]).
"Latin America and the Caribbean II: A Dissertation Bibliography," Marian C. Walters, ed. (Ann Arbor: University Microfilms International, [1980?]).
"Latin American and Caribbean Research Material Available in Microform from the Latin American Microform Project and the Center for Research Libraries." (Chicago: CRL, May, 1988). periodically updated. Also see Negative Microforms of Latin American and Caribbean materials held at the Center for Research Libraries," May 1991.
"List of Latin American Imprints before 1800, Selected from Bibliographies of Jose Toribio Medina, Microfilmed by Brown University." (Providence: Brown University Library, 1952).
"Periódicos brasileiros em microformas: Catálogo coletivo, 1984. (Rio de Janeiro: Biblioteca Nacional, 1985).
Princeton University microfilm sets: list available from Princeton; new film is regularly added.
(Note: Addresses change with some frequency, and the micropublishing field remains volatile with mergers, acquisitions, and spin-offs.)
Bell & Howell
Old Mansfield Road
Wooster, Ohio 44691
Center for Research Libraries
6050 South Kenwood Avenue
Chicago, IL 60637
Centro de Microfilmacion
Sistema de Bibliotecas
Universidad de Puerto Rico - Rio Piedras
Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico 00931
Chadwyck-Healey Ltd.
Cambridge Place
Cambridge CB2 1NR, England
(in North America): 1101 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
General Microfilm Company
80 Coolidge Hill Road
Watertown, MA 02172
Inter Documentation Company by
P.O. Box 11205
2301 EE Leiden, Netherlands
Irish Microforms, Ltd.
35 Kildare Street
Dublin 2, Ireland
Microform Division
Route 100
Millwood, New York 10546
Microfilm Ltd.Micro Photo Division
Main Street
East Ardsley
West Yorkshire WF3 2AT, England
Minnesota Historical Society
690 Cedar Street
St. Paul, MN 55101
New York Public Library
NYPL Reprographic Services
Room 67
11 West 40th Street
New York, New York 10018
Princeton University Library
Princeton, New Jersey 08544
Research Publications
12 Lunar Drive. Drawer AB
Woodbridge, CT 06525
Scholarly Resources, Inc.
104 Greenhill Avenue
Wilmington, DE 19805-1897
Southwest Micropublishing inc.
2627 East Yandell
El Paso, TX 79903
University Publications of America
4520 East-West Highway
Bethesda, MD 20811-3385
Albert James Diaz, "Selected List of Microreproduced Material Relating to Latin America," Working Paper No. 6, Final Report and Working Papers, SALALM 9 (St. Louis, MO: 1964), p. 161-172.
Pedro Gonzalez Garcia, translated by Thomas A. Bourke, "Historical Documentation and Digital Conversion of Images at the Proyecto de Informatizacion of the Archivo General de Indias, Seville," Microform Review 184 (Fall, 1989), p. 217-221.
Margaret Johnson, "Latin American Material in Microformat in the British Library," in Intellectual Migrations: Transcultural Contributions of European and Latin American Emigres. SALALM Papers (31: Berlin, 1986) (Madison: SALALM Secretariat, 1987), p. 283-287.
John M. Kinney, "The Texas Consortium to Microfilm Mexican Archival Resources," College & Research Libraries 32-5 (Sept., 1971), p. 376-380.
Richard I. Korman, "Government Publications of the Latin American and Caribbean Region in Microform," Microform Review 94 (Fall, 1980), p. 220-227.
Carmen Liter Mayayo with the collaboration of Isabel Lozano, translated by Thomas A. Bourke, "The Reproduction in Microform of the Cartographic Collections of the Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid," Microform Review 18-3 (Summer, 1989), p. 135-136.
Luisa Martin-Meras, translated by Thomas A. Bourke, "Cartographic Materials in Microform at the Museo Naval, Madrid," Microform Review 17-1 (February, 1988), p. 14-16.
Ted F. Powell, "The Miracle of Microfilm: The Foundation of the Largest Genealogical Record Collection in the World," Microform Review 14-3 (Summer, 1985), p. 148-156.
Ernesto de la Torre Villar, "Report on the Microfilm Obtained from UNESCO's Microfilm Mobile Unit for Preservation, Reproduction and Distribution by the Committee on History of the Pan American Institute of Geography and History," Special Report No. 4, Final Report and Working Papers, SALALM 5 (New York: 1960), p. 295-300.
John G. Veenstra, "Cooperative Microfilming for the Caribbean Area," in Alma Jordan, ed., Research Library Cooperation in the Caribbean: Papers of the First and Second Conferences of the Association of Caribbean University and Research Libraries (Chicago: American Library Association, 1973), p. 60-71.
Sabine Zehrer, "Latin American Materials in Microformats in the Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut, Berlin," in Intellectual Migrations: Transcultural Contributions of European and Latin American Emigres. SALALM Papers (31: Berlin, 1986) (Madison; SALALM Secretariat, 1987), p. 288-291.