September 2001 Volume 23 Number 3

Regional News

by J. Claire Dean

General Notes

This issue of the Regional News Column sees another change in local reporters. Diane Danielson has stepped down from her post as Rocky Mountain regional reporter, and Eileen Clancy has stepped up to the plate (better make that the keyboard) in her place. Thanks are due to both ladies for all their hard work, past and future.

As reported in the last issue, we currently have no regional reporter for Oklahoma as Gayle Clements is no longer able to carry out the task. As no one has offered to fill her shoes, folks from the Oklahoma area with news to submit should send their offerings to the Texas Regional Reporter, who is currently Ken Grant.

San Francisco

Bonnie Baskin, contract conservator, San Francisco Airport Museums/Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, will spend September and October working at the National Museum in Phnom Penh and then serve as study leader on a two-week Smithsonian tour of temples in Thailand and Cambodia. Afterwards, she'll join a UNESCO project in Luang Prabang, Laos, that is teaching traditional temple arts to monks; for two months she will teach the monks how to care for the traditional artifacts in their temples.

Antoinette Dwan is working on the 3-dimensional paper collection for the new museum: American Center for Food Wine and Art in Napa Valley. The collection includes Jello boxes, Kool-Aid wrappers, potato chip bags, milk cones, and a variety of food containers. Also in the lab are a scrapbook of early scientific drawings and a collection of 19th-century photographs. She also continues at SFMOMA helping with exhibition conservation.

Will Shank, based in San Francisco, has been working on several projects in Los Angeles. With Rosa Lowinger and Andee Morse of the Sculpture Conservation Studio, Will has performed a condition survey of the artworks owned by the City of Santa Monica. And with Mark Leonard of the Getty Museum, Will has assumed an ongoing role as assessor of the contemporary artworks which are being commissioned by the Getty Trust.

On a recent trip to Portugal, Will visited the studio of artist Juliao Sarmento near Sintra and picked his brain about his painting technique. Sarmento was the official Portuguese entry in this year's Venice Biennale.

At the Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco Paper Lab, Debra Evans, Janice Schopfer, and Amanda Hunter Johnson have been involved in preparations (media identification, mount design, and book repair) for a large exhibition this fall of the Museum's Reva and David Logan Collection of Illustrated Books. The gift of the Logan collection, which is particularly strong in 20th-century artists' books, has prompted new attention to the museums' existing illustrated book collection. Debra has been directing volunteers in a book rehousing project.

In July Debra Evans and Jim Bernstein taught their inpainting course to conservators at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

Michelle Facini, a third year student in the Winterthur program will join the paper lab as an intern in September.

Catherine Betz, Yadin Larochette, and Christina Milton, pre-program interns in the Fine Arts Museums paper, textiles, and paintings labs, have been accepted at the Winterthur conservation training program and begin their study in Delaware this summer.

The conservation laboratories for paintings, objects and textiles of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco have moved into a fully equipped, interim facility in South San Francisco. They will remain in this new location while the De Young Memorial Museum is demolished and rebuilt in Golden Gate Park.

The new De Young will house these three conservation departments in new state of the art facilities upon completion in 2005 or 2006. In the mean time these departments will continue operations as usual.

Head of painting conservation for the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Carl Grimm and associate painting conservators Patricia O'Regan and Tony Rockwell will continue to work with interns from training programs and with pre-program interns during this period. Lance Moore from the Winterthur program has completed his internship in painting conservation at the FAMSF lab as of August 2001. Next fall he will go on to an Andrew Mellon fellowship in painting conservation at the Metropolitan Museum in New York.

At the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Jessica Baldwin traveled to Switzerland in July to undertake research on Paul Klee at the Paul Klee Foundation in Bern.

Michelle Barger will be on maternity leave beginning in mid August through November. Tracy Power will be assisting with objects conservation one day a week during Michelle's absence.

Theresa Andrews was a participant in two week-long collaborative workshops for the professional development of photograph conservators sponsored by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. "Damaged & Deteriorated Photographic Print Materials: Compensation for Loss" was held at the Getty Museum in January and "Finishing Photographs: Materials and Techniques for Retouching, Hand-Coloring & Presentation" was held at the Metropolitan Museum in June.

Martha Singer, a fellow in objects conservation, traveled to Europe in June to conduct research about Jean Arp's bronzes and to visit the Arp Foundations in France, Switzerland, and Germany.

Regional Reporter:
Paloma Anoveros

Greater Los Angeles / Santa Barbara

Wendy Partridge has accepted a position at the Intermuseum Conservation Association in Oberlin. She will be leaving the Los Angeles County Museum of Art in October to assume her new responsibilities as Assistant Conservator at ICA. Good luck, Wendy!

The Paintings Conservation Section at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art hosted an intern over the summer, Monica Griesbach, from NYU. Monica's internship was made possible by funds from the Camilla Chandler Frost Summer Internship Program at LACMA. Monica's project was the continuing survey of the paintings in the Bernard and Edith Lewin Collection of Mexican Masters.

Joe Fronek has been restoring a large painting by Charles-Joseph Natoire, Proserpina Giving Psyche the Water of Beauty. The large 18th c. canvas was a recent gift to LACMA from the Ahmanson Foundation and is expected to be on display in the European galleries sometime next year. Solitaire Sani, a third-year student in the Canberra conservation program, interned this summer in Textile Conservation at LACMA. For her, this was during "winter break." She surveyed conservation needs of LACMA's Erte collection of opera costumes worn by Ganna Walska, whose estate, Lotusland, in Montecito, CA makes for an interesting tour.

Staff at the Autry Museum has been busy. Richard Moll has been working on the installation of a show entitled John James Audubon in the West: The Last Expedition. He is trying out Nancy Odegaard's spot test for arsenic on the taxidermy specimens from 1843. Tania Collas and Linda Strauss are becoming experts in dressing Dorfman conservation mannequins in preparation for a show that opens Oct. 20th called How the West was Worn. The show chronicles the history of western style clothing from 1850 to today. The 75 costumes will be placed on both male and female standing and seated mannequins. The seated mannequins were designed specially for the exhibit at the Autry's request.

At the Getty, Ana Paula Duarte, an undergraduate Multicultural Summer Intern from UCLA, is working in Decorative Arts and Sculpture Conservation on the upcoming Devices of Wonder Exhibition and on environmental monitoring of the galleries. Stephanie Rabourdin a furniture restorer from the University of Paris who is preparing her thesis on the authentication of 18th-century furniture, is working in the department for three months, studying the collections and writing technical reports.

In May, mountmakers George Johnson and Mark Mitton, with contract help from John Williams and Adrienne Pamp, quickly and smoothly installed 15 large porcelain animals on loan to The J. Paul Getty Museum from the Porcelain Museum, Dresden. The earthquake mounts included custom-fitted brass mounts cast from wax models using the new in-house foundry.

Brian Considine and Arlen Heginbotham attended a three-week French Furniture tour in June, co-organized by Brian, and sponsored by the AIC Wooden Artifact Group.

The 21 participants (with Brian tirelessly translating) toured furniture collections and conservation workshops as well as suppliers. Brian just finished a project with the Education Department to produce a gallery card explaining the steps involved in both water and fire gilding.

Two department members gave talks at the Dallas AIC meeting: Julie Wolfe and co-author Eleonora Nagy presented a talk on their research towards the stabilization of deteriorated industrial sheet rubber at the Guggenheim Museum. Arlen Heginbotham presented his work on the reforming of furniture finishes with B-72. Arlen will be teaching a course on the cleaning of furniture at the Campbell Center in September.

Jane Bassett gave a presentation in Boston in July as part of a one-day symposium on Renaissance Bronzes at the Gardner Museum, and Julie Wolfe is contributing to the Harvard University Art Museum's upcoming catalogue of Ancient Bronzes concerning the collection of Iron Age Italic bronze fibulae.

Sharon Shore, of Caring for Textiles, completed work on costumes and related textiles for the exhibit Romance and Ritual, Celebrating the Jewish Wedding, which opened at the Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles August, 2001. The exhibition includes costumes from both western and non-western communities. As well, there are wedding canopies, linens from brides' trousseaus, and 16th-century illuminated wedding certificates. An overview of the treatments for this show will be presented at the annual meeting. Cara Varnell, textile conservator specializing in the treatment of costumes, contributed significantly to all of the above work.

Sara Creange, Conservation Assistant at Griswold Conservation Associates, LLC, has been accepted to the U. of Delaware graduate program in conservation at Winterthur. Sara will be missed greatly. She and assistant Liz Werden have served on numerous site projects, including the Edward L. Doheny Memorial Library and the Student Union at USC, the Fountain of the Tortoises in San Francisco, and the Flint Memorial Fountain at Los Angeles City Hall.

Stefanie Griswold has been coordinating studio projects for the Southwest Museum's collection of Spanish Colonial artifacts, as well as a group of Renaissance sculptures and reliefs from the collection of Hearst San Simeon State Historic Monument.

John Griswold served as co-organizer and presented initial findings regarding the conservation of exterior features at the Gamble House in Pasadena at a colloquium organized through the Getty Grant Program. Participants included Neville Agnew, James Martin, Bill Ginell, Molly Lambert, Martin Weaver, Brian Considine, and Peyton Hall of Historic Resources Group. John has also served as advisor to the Illinois State Historic Preservation Agency regarding the conservation and exhibition of artifacts related to Abraham Lincoln at the new Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum now under construction. Griswold Conservation Associates has also just begun a two-year project to restore the newly rediscovered Selig Zoo Animal Sculptures for the Los Angeles Zoo, to be incorporated into a newly designed entrance plaza.

John and J. Claire Dean of Dean and Associates Conservation Services have recently completed stabilization of a small kiva-like adobe structure with Fremont period pictographs on an interior mud-plastered wall for Natural Bridges Natural Monument in southeastern Utah. Infrared video-thermography proved a useful tool in the interpretation of thermal and moisture-related deterioration patterns and in relating internal structural elements to visible damage.

Regional reporter:
Virginia Rasmussen
Conservation Center
Los Angeles County Museum of Art
5905 Wilshire Blvd.,
Los Angeles, CA 90036


Laura Gorman cleaned Red Untitled, a travertine sculpture by Isamu Noguchi, as part of work for the opening of new galleries at the Honolulu Academy of Arts. She also carried out Oddy testing of exhibit case materials for the new Korean gallery there.

Since the beginning of the year, Gregory Thomas, Art Care, has conducted a survey of paintings in the Hawaii State Library and treated art in a variety of media, including a gouache on reverse pre-primed canvas by Madge Tennent, an exterior acrylic mural by Donna Stoner, a couple of oil on tempered Masonite panels by John Stephan, and a pastel on canvas by Ambrose Patterson.

Greg consulted with the curator at the USS Arizona Memorial and made recommendations for storage of art, as well as performing minor treatments, for example for the Honolulu Academy of Arts, and providing Examination and Proposed Treatment Reports for paintings on Oahu and Maui. On a couple of occasions Greg assisted Anne Rosenthal in the lining and treatment of oil on canvas murals in Oakland, CA.

Downey Manoukian continues her private practice including the recent treatment of 50 woodblocks, etchings, and watercolors by the artist Charles Bartlett, belonging to the John and Kate Kelly Foundation.

Larry Pace was fortunate to have the assistance of Dawne Steele Pullman for several weeks in both May and July, and she will be back in September. They have been working on a variety of paintings by artists including Bailey, Hitchcock, Twigg-Smith, Walden, Wores, Kane, and Bartlett.

Larry has been working on a pair of painted Library Doors at the Doris Duke Estate, Shangri-La. Work continues on the series of eleven oil on canvas murals from the 1930's depicting a variety of Native Hawaiian scenes as well as the mural by Juliette May Fraser belonging to the University of Hawaii. The Portrait of Charles Reed Bishop by Cogwell, which hangs at the Bishop Museum, is in the studio undergoing treatment. A small oil on panel by Joseph Nawahi was treated. This is one of only 6 known paintings by this artist who was one of the first and very few Hawaiians who became interested in oil painting in the mid-19th century.

Larry had the pleasure of giving a lecture and slide presentation at the Tokyo Art Conservation Lab of Masako Koyano in May. While in Tokyo he also had the pleasure of marrying Rie Tojo a painting conservator who has worked for Ms. Nakano for many years. Rie will be moving permanently to Honolulu in September. Congratulations, Larry and Rie!

On the general news front - a number of us in Hawaii have heard one of the three conservation labs at the Bishop has been rented out to a biologist. It is unclear which lab (painting, paper, or objects) will be converted, but this is apparently another set-back for conservation at the Bishop Museum.

Regional reporter:
Larry Pace

Rocky Mountain

The ACCDU, formerly known as the Rocky Mountain Regional Conservation Center, ceased operations on June 30, 2001.

Carmen Bria, WCCFA and Eileen Clancy, CPPP held an open house and facility tour at the Santa Fe Drive conservation center on June 22. The event was very successful and helped increase awareness of our profession among museum staff and collectors in Denver.

Carmen Bria and Camilla Van Vooren surveyed paintings at the University of Alaska in March. While in Alaska they also gave a public lecture on conservation at the North Star Public Library. Later that month they presented a workshop/lecture on preventive conservation for museum professionals at Brigham Young University. The WCCFA summer intern is Tatiana Bareis from the Winterthur conservation program. D. Hays Shoop joined the WCCFA staff in July.

Barbara Johnson has been working with both WCCFA and CPPP at the Santa Fe Drive conservation center. In private practice she has been surveying and treating the public art collections at the Denver International Airport.

Judy Greenfield and Eileen Clancy were presenters and panel participants in a workshop on museum lighting at the Colorado/Wyoming Museum Association Annual Conference in May.

The Denver Art Museum hosted Irish conservator Mary McGrath who lectured at the museum on her project of moving Francis Bacon's studio from London to Dublin.

Jessica Fletcher gave a lecture at the Estes Park Historical Society on living with collections. Jessica is also working on a project with the Colorado School of Mines to share research and analytical facilities.

Kristine Jeffcoat, a Queen's program student, completed her summer internship at the DAM. While there she lectured on conservation techniques she had learned as a student in Italy. Carl Patterson is a new board member of the Mountain Plains Museum Association.

Jude Southward and Matt Crawford at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science have been busy moving archeological and zoological collections to new storage areas while the museum renovates its west wing for the installation of a new space science hall.

Regional reporter:
Eileen Clancy
1227 Santa Fe Drive
Denver, CO 80204

Pacific Northwest

Jan Cavanaugh, who recently completed the Queen's University program in Painting Conservation, is also a specialist in Eastern European Art History. She delivered a paper September 14th titled "Klimt's Polish Contemporaries and the Vienna Secession" at the Canadian Centre for Austrian and Central European Studies, University of Alberta in Edmonton.

In July the Seattle Art Museum played host to the Emergency Response for Cultural Institutions: Regional Emergency Response Workshop, one of a series of regional workshops sponsored by AIC and FAIC and supported by a grant from the NEH.

Amongst the folks involved with the Seattle event were WAAC members and fellow conservators Jane Hutchins and Randy Silverman (workshop leaders), Cynthia Ball, Alice Bear, J. Claire Dean, Kenneth Be, Diana Dicus, Nicholas Dorman, Rita Kauneckas, Sarah Melching, and Sally Roggia. Attendees included a registrar, curator, collection manager, preservation librarians, and historic architects, all of whom were encouraged to join WAAC. Besides getting a reference binder big enough to prop up a collapsing building, attendees went away with a new perspective on emergency response and countless invaluable sources of information and help.

In May J. Claire Dean finished four years of service as a member of the Board of Directors of the American Rock Art Research Association by being the local organizer for the association's annual meetings, this year held in Pendleton, Oregon. She also turned her home into a KOA campground by playing a willing host to 5 colleagues from the Rock Art Research Institute (RARI), University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa, who were attending the meetings.

After various field work commitments in the USA this summer, Claire will be in South Africa and Zambia for five weeks this autumn helping develop rock art sites for public visitation and teaching the conservation section of the MA in Rock Art Studies.

Regional reporter:
Peter Malarkey
P.O. Box 9682
Seattle, WA 98109


Nancy Odegaard is back from a busy sabbatical year that included a project to reshape and stabilize over 300 ancient moccasins from Utah, a month in Delaware as a Winterthur Research Fellow, and summer project in the Dominican Republic under a Fulbright Senior Specialist Award. She and Vicki Cassman offered a conservation workshop to archaeologists with the US Forest Service.

The Arizona State Museum has received a generous grant from the Stockman Family Foundation to preserve their paper-based collections, in particular the Marjorie Pearce Avery Collection of Native American Art. Laura Downey will continue as Assistant Conservator on this project.

Gretchen Voeks continues working with staff at Kalaupapa National Historic Site on several large treatment projects. She has also conducted collection condition surveys for Death Valley National Park and Buffalo National River in the past few months.

Student Assistant Audrey Harrison completed the treatment of several historic archaeological ceramic vessels for Fort Vancouver National Historic Site and is currently conducting maintenance treatments for Fort Bowie leather tack.

Regional reporter:
Gretchen Voecks
Western Archaeological and Conservation Center
National Park Service
1415 N. 6th Avenue
Tucson, AZ 85711
520/670-6501 ext. 251

New Mexico

As an addition to the last newsletter, Linda Landry's new position at the Missouri Historical Society is Head of Conservation and Collections.

Throughout July and August, Renee Jolly is offering a series of brief gallery talks every other week on how people can best care for their textiles at home. These talks will take place in Lloyd's Treasure Chest, the open storage area of the Neutrogena Wing of the Museum of International Folk Art, Museum of New Mexico.

Chris Young of Nashville, Tennessee has returned to the University of New Mexico Museum of Fine Arts to oversee Stephanie Lussier and Scott Homolka, summer interns in paper and photographic conservation from the Buffalo Program.

Pau Maynes, a photographic conservator from Spain, came to Santa Fe in May to interview Van Deren Coke, James Enyeart, and M. Susan Barger as part of his Oral History Project on Pioneers in Photographic Conservation. His project is supported by a grant from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Maynes returned to France in June after spending nine months in the United States working to gather interviews with Americans and Canadians involved with the early progress of the field of photographic conservation.

M. Susan Barger has been elected to the position of Director in the AIC subgroup, Conservators in Private Practice.

The Smithsonian Center for Materials Research and Education is offering a course, "Materials Used in the Making of Santos," on the campus of the College of Santa Fe in August 5-7, 2001. This is being offered in conjunction with the mounting of the exhibit, Santos at the National Hispanic Cultural Center in Albuquerque.

David Rasch, Conservator & Collections Manager at the Museum of Spanish Colonial Art in Santa Fe, has joined a committee of preservationists, historians, and architects to evaluate and plan for the restoration of the San Miguel Mission Church in downtown Santa Fe. Known locally as the oldest church in use, it was originally built between 1610-1628. Besides the adobe structure, the church includes a bronze bell, carved wooden architectural elements, and sculptures and canvas paintings associated with a polychrome wooden altar screen.

Regional reporter:
M. Susan Barger
3 Moya Lane
Santa Fe, NM 87508

San Deigo

William Chandler was featured in an article entitled "Valuable Advice" that appeared on Sunday, June 24th, 2001, in the San Diego Union-Tribune. The article appeared in connection with the filming in San Diego of the Public Broadcasting System television program The Antiques Roadshow. The story included a discussion of conservation/restoration as an element in determining the value of antiques and fine art.

Regional reporter:
Frances Prichett
5235 35th Street
San Diego, CA 92116


Csilla Felker-Dennis completed a CAP grant for the Collin County Historical Society Central Museum at the Old Post Office in McKinney, Texas. She is currently working on a CAP project for the A.W.Perry Homestead Museum in Carrollton, Texas. During the AIC Annual Meeting in Dallas, she participated in the "AIC Angels Project," which was a collection survey at the Heritage Farmstead Museum in Richardson, Texas.

Cheryl Carrabba, Carrabba Conservation, Inc. is pleased to announce the addition to her staff of Mary Elizabeth "Betsy" Haude as Associate Conservator. Betsy was previously Head Conservator at the Huntington Library in San Marino, California. She is a 1997 graduate of the Preservation & Conservation Studies program at the University of Texas at Austin.

In April Cheryl and Helen Houp gave a workshop on framing of paintings and paper to a group attending the Texas Association of Museums conference that was held in San Antonio. Helen is currently conducting a conservation survey of the artwork at Southwestern Medical University in Dallas and recently performed some minor conservation work on a mural by Ken Stout at the Walton Arts Center in Fayetteville, Arkansas.

Barbara Brown, Head of the Photography Conservation Lab, and Stephanie Watkins, Head of the Paper Conservation Lab, both at the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, and Mark Van Gelder, of Art Conservation Services of Austin, gave presentations and participated in a round table discussion on conservation to a meeting of members of the Austin Visual Arts Assn. in June. The audience included local artists as well as other members of the local visual arts community. The topic of the discussion concerned conservation issues related to the works of contemporary artists.

Jill Whitten and Rob Proctor of Whitten and Proctor Fine Art Conservation in Houston, Texas were in the Netherlands in April teaching graduate conservation students at the Stichting Restauratie Attelier Limbourg in Maastricht (a graduate conservation program). They lectured for three days and led practical workshops on the topics of varnish materials and application techniques, solvent properties, and retouching media and methods. Rob gave a lecture for the Paintings Specialty Group at the AIC meeting in Dallas entitled "The Construction and Use of a Thin Profile Suction Platen.

Jill is now serving as Chair of the Paintings Specialty Group and would like to remind WAAC members to send ideas and papers for the 2002 meeting in Miami. In October they will travel to France with Rene de la Rie of the National Gallery for a symposium and workshop on picture varnishes. French painting conservators, curators, and scientists will attend.

Chela Metzger, Instructor in Book Conservation at the Preservation and Conservation Studies (PCS) program of the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at The University of Texas at Austin informs us that the PCS program is pleased to announce that the seven students admitted into the 2001 entering class are: Marlan Green, Preservation Administration; Jamye Jamison, Conservation; Rebecca Elder, Conservation; Jill Hawkins, Preservation Administration; Jenny L. Hudson, Preservation Administration; Dan Paterson, Conservation; Frank (Francisco) Trujillo, Conservation.

Internship sites and supervisors for the program's third-year students are: Jean Baldwin, Library of Congress, supervisor: Mark Roosa; Renee DeVille, Harvard U. Libraries Preservation Center, supervisor: Pamela Spitzmueller; Anne Marigza, National Archives and Records Administration, supervisor: Mary Lynn Ritzenthaler; Heidi Nakashima, Metropolitan Museum of Art, supervisor: Mindell Dubansky; Jim Neal, University of California at Berkeley, supervisor: Gillian Boal.

Heidi Nakashima has since accepted a conservator position with the New York Public Library. Jean Baldwin will be finishing her internship at the Library of Congress by completing an Advanced Fellowship there. The fellowship involves treating 9 Islamic books. Hannah Frost wrote a successful grant for the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center. The HRC will receive $ 8,000 from the National Film Preservation Foundation to preserve 15 films by industrial designer Norman Bel Geddes.

Jean Baldwin and Renee DeVille will present papers at the ANAGPIC conference held at the Winterthur in Wilmington, DE April 19-21, 2001.

April Smith and Sarah Reidell presented a paper March 29 entitled "Breaking the Mold," on the topic of mold identification and problem solving. The talk was given for library and information professionals at the annual Texas Library Association conference held in San Antonio, TX.

Jamye Jamison was selected to go to the Emergency Response Regional Workshop to be hosted by AMIGOS in Dallas, TX on April 3-5.

Chela Metzger gave the first annual "Paul Banks (1934-2000) Birthday Lecture Series" on April 5th. The talk was entitled : "A Library is not a Museum: The Context of Conservation for Use." She will be traveling to Santiago, Chile in October of this year to teach a one week ICROM sponsored workshop on conservation issues for bound material in libraries and archives.

This summer, the second year students will be completing a variety of internships. Ann Lindsey is competing a disaster preparedness plan for the Center for American History in Austin TX. Sara Holmes is working with the Austin History Center and the Austin Music Network to survey an archival collection of video tapes.

Nora Lockshin is working with Alexander Architectural Archive, developing content for their web site regarding the preservation of architectural records, and helping to organize a Texas regional network for holders of architectural records. She was awarded the Betty Bullington Threadgill Scholarship from the GSLIS which allows her to register at the in-state tuition rate for the next two semesters. Marlan Green went to Houston in July to help with the salvage effort in the aftermath of flood damage.

Karen Pavelka, Sarah Reidell, and April Smith are working at the archive at Vilassar de Dalt, Barcelona, Spain caring for the collection. The work this summer includes treatment and housing of the collection of parchment documents dating from c.1000 to c.1850.

Regional Reporter:
Ken Grant
Conservation Department
Harry Ransom Humanities Res. Center
University of Texas at Austin
P.O. Box 7219
Austin, TX 78713
tel: 512/471-9117
fax: 512/471-9646

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