September 1998 Volume 20 Number 3

Conference Review

Indoor-Air Pollution: Detection and Mitigation of Carbonyls

University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland.

Sponsored by the Univ. of Strathclyde, Dionex UK, the Conservation Bureau of Historic Scotland, and the GCI.

Twenty-eight scientists, conservators, and other museum professionals interested in the protection of collections from indoor-generated pollutants met for two days. The pollutants specifically discussed were formaldehyde, and low molecular weight organic acids - acetic acid and formic acid. There were eight presentations each day followed by very productive roundtable discussions.

There were a number of significant outcomes. However, the following three may be of interest:

1. A report of the conference will be compiled. This will include summaries of the 16 presentations and the outcomes of the roundtable discussion sessions. As soon as it is available, it will be publicized in distribution lists as well as newsletters of conservation organizations in Europe, Canada and the USA. For information contact Cecily Grzywacz.

2. The creation of a database of materials tested will be investigated. It is hoped that the information housed at a number of different institutions will eventually be compiled in one location.

3. A second database of air sampling studies will be developed. From this compilation, trends with respect to organic artifact damage may be deduced.

I hope to report more fully on this at the Meeting in Oregon.

Cecily Grzywacz

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