September 1997 Volume 19 Number 3

President's Letter

Elizabeth C. Welsh

Outreach Successes

This has been an exceptionally rich period of outreach for WAAC. Several projects are involved, all of which exemplify our organization's commitment to the conservation field in general, as well as to our members:

From its founding over 20 years ago, through many projects, WAAC has placed a high value on disseminating information and advancing conservation awareness, and we can all take pride in these recent successes.

Thank You

By the time the next Newsletter issue is published, new WAAC officers will have been elected. I would like to thank the Nominating Committee--Lesley Bone, John Griswold, and Jane Hutchins--as well as everyone who accepted nomination to Board positions.

Working as a WAAC Board member over the last seven years has been tremendously rewarding for me. Much of this satisfaction has come from the pleasure of working on valuable projects with an outstanding group of people. I thank especially my wonderful WAAC mentor and Board colleague, Chris Stavroudis, for his wit, enthusiasm, and superb handling of diverse WAAC responsibilities as well as for his generosity and kindness in guiding me through many aspects of "WAAC work" over the years. Walter Henry coaxed me onto the Internet in 1992, with a hidden agenda to put WAAC Newsletter at the forefront in providing Internet-accessible conservation information; his brilliant teaching, gentle humor, and warm friendship have contributed enormously to the quality of my WAAC experience. Carolyn Tallent has infused the WAAC Newsletter with her energy and imagination, keeping this very public side of WAAC in top form. Neil Cockerline, my predecessor in the presidency, and John Griswold, my successor--along with scores of other fellow Board members and Newsletter coworkers--have been exceptional colleagues in every way: serious, professional, and productive, as well as great fun. It has been an honor and a pleasure to serve this organization.

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