Volume 18, Number 3 .... September 1996

Meeting Preview

The following is the preliminary list of papers to be given at the Las Vegas Meeting. (Note: This list includes those papers submitted by press time. Some titles are descriptive titles only and were not submitted by the authors.)

Thornton Rockwell, Anne Rosenthal and Niccolo Caldararo, Conservation of The Rose by Jay De Feo.

John Griswold and Leslie Rainer, Robert Graham's Olympic Gateway at the Los Angeles Coliseum.

Mitchell Hearns Bishop, Soot as an Indigenous Pigment: An Example Derived from an Ethnographic Account of a Chumash/Kitanemuk Soot Collector and Some Comparisons from Cultures.

Vicky Cassman, Archaeological Textiles and The Case for Collection Management or If You Can't Beat 'em Join 'em.

Anita Noennig, From the Twilight Zone: The Pink and Blue Syndrome in Contemporary Art Papers.

Eleanore Stewart, Process & Materials Used in the Production of Desk Top Computer-generated Documents.

Herant P. Khanjian and Michael R. Schilling, Gas Chromatographic Investigations of Organic Materials in Art Objects.

Chris Stavroudis, Conservation on Target. (The Treatment of Jasper Johns Target with Plaster Casts, 1955.)

Frank Preusser and J. Claire Dean, The Conservation and Restoration of the Astoria Column, Astoria, Oregon.

Don Francis and Lillian Davis, Paper Conservation: A Framer's View.

J. Claire Dean, Ponds and Pictographs: The Conservation of Pictograph Cave, Billings, Montana.

Stan Derelian, Carpet Damage from Routine Maintenance Procedures.

Daniel Howell, New Recommended Lighting Practice Guidelines and Death to COOL WHITE! Major Changes in Lighting.

Eric Hansen, Ancient Maya Monumental Painted Stucco Sculpture: Characterization and Conservation.

Ria German, Defying the Law of Gravity: The Treatment of Georg Herold's The Bow.

Susan Lansing Maish and Julie Unruh, "Passing the Hat (Mask)": How Computer Documentation Facilitated the Successive Treatment of a Ptolemaic Cartonnage Mummy Mask by Two Conservators.

Karen Zukor, TASS Window Posters: Russian Propaganda from World War II.

Neil C. Cockerline, Conservation of Paintings Produced for Photographic Reproduction: The Work of Joseph Christian Leyendecker.

Paula De Christofaro, The Examination of Mexican Master Paintings from the Jacques and Tatasha Gelman Collection.

Landis Smith, The Conservation of Navajo Silver.

WAAC Election Results



The newly elected board members will assume office at the WAAC Annual Meeting in October. At that time the current Vice-President Elizabeth Welsh will become President.

WAAC is fortunate to have so many outstanding members who are willing to serve the organization. We thank all of you who accepted nomination and were prepared to contribute your time and effort.

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