Volume 18, Number 3 .... September 1996

President's Letter

Neil Cockerline

It has been an incredible year for me serving as President of our organization. I certainly have enjoyed working with such a devoted group of individuals as my colleagues on the WAAC Board of Directors, and each of our members is very lucky to have such dedicated people working on our behalf. I owe special thanks to Chris Stavroudis, our Secretary-Treasurer, who has provided complete support for my office and has assisted me throughout the planning of our Annual Meeting in Las Vegas. I also wish to thank Carolyn Tallent for her tireless effort as WAAC Newsletter Editor, and for the level of professionalism which she has brought to her responsibilities. Elizabeth Welsh has also proven to be the best Vice-President anyone could ever ask for, and I am looking forward to the leadership which she will provide as our new President.

I hope you have already made plans to attend the Annual Meeting in Las Vegas. I am sure you will not be disappointed! Many of our colleagues have submitted proposals for presentations and the sessions promise to be informative, refreshing and fun! I am especially pleased that Mr. Randy Hendrickson, Executive Curator of the Debbie Reynolds Hollywood Movie Museum, has agreed to host our membership at an opening reception in this newest Las Vegas institution on Sunday evening, October 6. Showcasing a truly remarkable collection of Hollywood costumes and props from the era of silent films through the 1960's in an amazing multimedia setting, this museum is definitely unique. Believe me, you won't want to miss seeing Marilyn Monroe's famous white 'Subway' dress from "The Seven Year Itch".

The business meeting this year is especially important as we will review and vote on the revised Bylaws. Elizabeth Welsh and the entire Board have worked very hard on this crucial governing document for our organization. I hope you will take the opportunity to review the proposed changes which were published as an insert in your 1996 Membership Directory. Please come prepared with any questions and comments, and after discussion we will vote on accepting the revised Bylaws.

The election of new officers has been completed, and our new Board of Directors will take office in Las Vegas. Special thanks are due to the Nominating Committee chaired by Elizabeth Welsh with members John Burke, Elisabeth Mention and Nancy Odegaard. If you would like to contribute some energy to our organization in the future, I would encourage you to run for office in the next election, and submit your name to our new Vice-President at the Annual Meeting.

One final Annual Meeting note concerns a special AIC focus group meeting hosted by Sarah Rosenberg, AIC Executive Director, scheduled for Sunday afternoon, October 6. AIC has scheduled a number of these meetings in collaboration with the various regional guilds and associations, to meet with privately practicing conservators to find out how AIC can better serve these important individuals. I believe this will be an excellent opportunity to discuss issues of private conservators with the national organization. This group will be limited to 12 participants, who will meet for approximately 2 hours on Sunday afternoon before the Hollywood Movie Museum reception. If you are interested in participating in this meeting, please let me know as soon as possible, as I am coordinating the participant list.

Once again, it has been a very special pleasure for me to serve as your President for the past year, and I want to thank all of you for your support. If I have not had the opportunity to meet you personally, please make it a point to introduce yourself to me at the Meeting. Here's hoping you all 'Hit the Jackpot' in Las Vegas!

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