Volume 16, Number 1, Jan. 1994, pp.24-25


Rosanna Zubiate-Brenner, column editor
Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary (ISBN 0-8161-0614-2)

This 3-volume work (2,700 pages) is in preparation by the staff of the Frick Art Reference Library in New York. More than 10,000 artists who were born in or worked chiefly in Spain are included. Spanish Artists is available for $420 ($470 export) from G.K. Hall & Company, an imprint of Macmillan Publishing Company. Volume I is available in December 1993. Volumes II and III will be available in 1994-95. To place an order, call 800/257-5755 or write Order Department, G.K. Hall & Co., Macmillan Publishing Co., 100 Front Street, Box 500, Riverside NJ 08075-7500.

Art and Archaeology Recent Setbacks
"Conservation: The Final Frontier"
(or, Recent Setbacks in Conservation) Volume 4, 44 pages, 1993, $10.00.

Make check for $10.00 plus $2.00 postage/handling payable to "Treasurer, IIC-CG." Mail order and payment to IIC-CG Membership Chair, P.O. Box 9195, Ottawa, Ontario, K1G 3T9.


"Control of Insects in Paintings," by Anna Brokowski
"Early Electrodynamism: The Cabinets of David Roentgen," by J.K. Thostrang and T.E. Yalcrab
"Preserving a Sense of Humour," by D. Grattan and D. Witt
"Why, of Why, Do Paintings Crack?" by Stuffin McCluskey
"How Your Museum Can Become a Disaster Area," by D. Zaaster
"Restoration from Beyond: Is There a Happy Medium?" by Georgio Vasari

...plus more.

NPS Museum Handbook, Part I (S/N 024-005-01078-5) 850 pages, 91 illustrations, 3-hole punched, $36. Order from Superintendent of Documents, P. O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954.

Preventive conservation information for:
paper, textile, and wooden objects
metal, ceramic, glass, and stone objects
archaeological objects
cellulose nitrate negatives

Covered in detail:
environmental monitoring and control
pest management
museum collections storage
curatorial health and safety
handling, packing and shipping
security and fire protection
emergency planning
conservation treatment
scope of collections
collection planning, programming, and budgeting
museum ethics

NPS Conserve O Gram Series
Illustrated, 3-hole punched, $56. Subscription service includes basic manual and semiannual supplements for an indefinite period. Order from Superintendent of Documents, P. O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954.

The Conserve O Gram series of technical leaflets supplements the NPS Museum Handbook, Part I with guidance on procedures, techniques, and materials for:

  • storing and exhibiting objects
  • recognizing characteristics of deterioration and evaluating
  • condition of objects/specimens
  • providing ongoing preventive conservation and housekeeping
  • identifying and correcting health and safety concerns in the curatorial workplace
    Registrar's Quarterly

    A noteworthy publication from the Registrar's Committee - Western Region, a branch of the Registrars' Committee of the American Association of Museums. Registrar's Quarterly is a benefit of RC-WR membership, which costs $15.00 per year. To join, write Kathleen Clewell, Palm Springs Desert Museum, P.O. Box 2288, Palm Springs, California 92263.

    Conservators and registrars ought to work closely and cooperatively, and WAAC Newsletter has recently established a publications exchange with Registrar's Quarterly, the publication of an energetic association of western-states registrars. Their quarterly is full of articles that should interest conservators. For example, the Spring 1993 issue (28 pages), with the theme of collection inventories, contained (among other articles) the following: "Implementing a NAGPRA Inventory," by Deborah Slaney and Martin Sullivan
    "For the Records: Computerizing Anthropology Collections at Arizona State Museum," by C. Michael Barton
    "Barcoding the Archival Way," by Lori D. Meeks
    "Planning and Implementing a Collections Inventory," by Ann E. Erbacher
    The Summer 1993 issue (28 pages), with the theme "Reduce, Reuse Recycle" included:
    "The Top Five Brew: Disposal of Hazardous Conservation Waste," by Rebecca Snyder


    Restauracion Hoy
    A publication of Instituto Colombiano de Cultura (COLCULTURA), Centro Nacional de Restauracion, Calle 9 No. 8-31, Santafe de Bogota, Colombia. Telephone (2)828197, Fax (2)828759.(ISSN 0121- 5264)

    COLCULTURA recently sent WAAC Newsletter a copy of the June 1992 issue of this handsome Spanish-language conservation serial. Note that a translation of an article by WAAC member Mark Gilberg originally published in Studies in Conservation (vol.36 n.2) appears in this volume. The following is a listing of the contents of the 96-page-long Volume 3 (June 1992). The journal includes color and black-and-white photographic illustrations, as well as drawings.

    Importancia del Patrimonio Cultural Urbanistico: Justification de su preservacion, conservacion y restauracion, by Camilo Mendoza Laverde
    Conservacion, Restauracion, Recuperacion del Espacio Publico, by Lorenzo Fonseca
    La Real Fabrica de Villa de Leiva: Un ejemplo de tipologia industrial neogranadina, by Rodolfo Ulloa Vergara
    Arte Rupestre: La conservacion y el estudio de un petroglifo que se rie, by Guillermo Munoz Castiblanco
    Imagenes en Movimiento: Patromonio cultural de los colombianos, by Manuel Hormaza
    Zurbaran en la Iglesia de San Francisco de Santafe de Bogota, by Maria Cecilia Alvarez White
    Restauracion de la pintura "El Triunfo de Flora," by Ricardo Quiroga Riviere
    Restauracion de las Pinturas de la Casa de Juan de Vargas, by Rodolfo Vallin Magana
    Efecto de Atmosferas don Bajo Contenido de Oxigeno Sobre las Plagas de Museo, by Mark Gilberg
    Escuela de Restauracion: El conservador-restaurador, una definicion de las profesion
    Programa de restauracion de bienes-muebles
    Investigaciones y Trabajos en Proceso
    Publicaciones Recientes


    Art Hazards News--Special Resource Issue
    Vol. 16, No. 2 (1993), Art Hazards News (ISSN 0197-7903) is published 5 times per year by the Center for Safety in the Arts (CSA). Subscriptions cost $21 per year (Canada and PanAm countries add $2). Write: Art Hazards News, 5 Beekman Street, Suite 1030, NYC 10038.

    This Special Resource Issue contains an 8-page section on "Health and Safety Resources for the Arts," with the following subheadings:

    Occupational Health Clinics (U.S.A. and Canada)
    Arts Medicine Services (U.S.A., Canada, Italy, England)
    Regional Poison Control Centers (U.S.A.)
    Safety Supply Sources (U.S.A. and Canada)
    NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health)
    Offices and Educational Resource Centers
    OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) Regional
    OSHA State Consultation Services, May 1990
    COSH (Committees on Occupational Safety and Health) Groups
    Household Hazardous Waste Programs
    Referral to Household Hazardous Waste Programs
    CSA (Center for Safety in the Arts) Publications
    Books, Pamphlets and Articles
    General Data Sheets
    Conservation Hazard Data Sheets
    Performing Arts Hazard Data Sheets
    Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety
    Art Hazards News


    Art Hazards News--Special Issue
    Vol. 16, No. 3 (1993), Art Hazards News (ISSN 0197-7903) is published 5 times per year by the Center for Safety in the Arts (CSA). Subscriptions cost $21 per year (Canada and PanAm countries add $2). Write: Art Hazards News, 5 Beekman Street, Suite 1030, NYC 10038.

    This Special Issue addresses "Safer Substitutes." Three articles are included:

    "A Photoetching Alternative: Condensed Milk and Photo-Sensitized Silkscreens," by Devora Neumark
    "Replacing Silica in Lost Wax Casting," by Richard Beckman
    "Converting to Lead-Free Enamels," by June Jasen A removable center section poster titled "Safer Substitutes in
    Art," by Angela Babin, discusses alternatives for art materials in elementary and secondary schools. The poster is sold separately for $5.


    Technology and Conservation Magazine (ISSN 0146-1214). Published quarterly by The Technology Organization, Inc., One Emerson Place, Boston, Massachusetts 02114; Publisher and Editor: Susan E. Schur.

    From the masthead: "Technology and Conservation is sent without charge [in the U.S.A. and Canada] to qualified persons working in or managing programs involving analysis, preservation, restoration, protection, and documentation of art, books and manuscripts, buildings and monuments, historic sites, and antiques." Subscriptions outside the U.S.A. and Canada are $40/year in U.S. funds, drawn on a U.S.A. bank. Technology & Conservation is concerned with analysis, preservation, restoration, protection, and documentation of art, architecture, and antiquities.


    Disaster Prevention, Response, and Recovery: Principles & Procedures for Protecting & Preserving Historic/Cultural Properties & Collections

    A conference October 24-25, 1992 brought together 30 authorities speaking on this topic. Although no conference proceedings will be published, a limited number of conference information packets are now available for purchase. Packets contain: abstracts for all talks and background data on speakers; a disaster bibliography listing approximately 2000 pertinent books, papers, and articles; a guide to sources of federal disaster assistance; and literature on a variety of commercial systems, materials and services to illustrate the types of products and services available. Packets cost $39 postpaid (USA), $43 postpaid (Canada), $47 (elsewhere).

    The Disaster Prevention, Response, and Recovery Bibliography can be purchased separately for $25 (USA and Canada), $29 (elsewhere).

    Orders must be prepaid, in US funds. Make payment to: The Technology Organization, Inc. Mail order to: Technology & Conservation, One Emerson Place, 16M, Boston, MA 02114.


    On the Road to Preservation: A State-wide Preservation Action Plan for Colorado

    published by the Colorado Preservation Alliance, c/o Colorado State Archives, 1313 Sherman, Denver, Colorado 80203.

    How to Photograph Paintings by Nat Bukar, ECB Publishing, softcover, 65 pages, 18 b&w illus., $10.95.

    The short book leads the reader through the art photography process in simple, illustrated steps featuring inexpensive equipment. Jargon is kept to a minimum, but a glossary is provided, just in case. Author Bukar was a founding partner in a NY production company which for more than 20 years produced thousands of slides for business and government.

    Preserving the Anthropological Record Edited by Sydel Silverman and Nancy J. Parezo, published by the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Inc., New York, 1992, 140 pages, bibliographical references.

    Chapter titles:

    The National Anthropological Archives, by Mary Elizabeth Ruwell
    Discipline History Centers in the Sciences, by Joan Warnow-Blewett
    The Melanesian Archive, by Donald Tuzin
    Preserving the Archaeological Record, by Don D. Fowler and Douglas R. Givens
    The Records of Applied Anthropology, by John van Willigen
    The Role of Museums in Preserving the Anthropological Record, by Thomas H. Wilson and Nancy J. Parezo
    Saving the Past for the Future, by Nancy J. Parezo, Nathalie F.S. Woodbury, and Ruth J. Person
    The Physical Preservation of Anthropological Records, by Mary Elizabeth Ruwell
    The Potentials and Problems of Computers, by Robert V. Kemper
    The Future Uses of the Anthropological Record, by Shepard Krech III and William C. Sturtevant
    The Next Steps, by Sydel Silverman and Nancy J. Parezo

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