Volume 14, Number 3, Sept. 1992, p.4

WAAC Represented by Chris Stavroudis at the AIC Advisory Council Meeting

by Elizabeth C. Welsh and Chris Stavroudis

Chris Stavroudis represented WAAC at the 3rd annual AIC Advisory Council Meeting held on June 3rd in Buffalo, New York.

The AIC Advisory Council consists of the AIC Board and representatives from a number of related organizations. This year's meeting included representatives from the American Association of Museums (AAM), the Association for Preservation Technology (APT), the College Art Association (CAA), the Commission on Preservation and Access, the National Committee to Save America's Cultural Resources, the National Institute for Conservation (NIC), the Society of American Archivists (SAA), six local and regional conservation associations (WAAC, MRCG, NECA, NYCA, VCA, WCG), and observers from the Getty Conservation Institute (GCI).

The goal of the meeting was to foster dialogue between the AIC and representatives from groups outside of AIC. Since the local and regional conservation groups have memberships and constituencies that overlap those of the AIC, the dialogue was centered on the perceptions and concerns of the representatives from outside the conservation profession.

Following reports from various AIC committees, a draft of a forthcoming position paper, titled "Preliminary Thoughts on Long Range Goals for the Conservation Profession," was distributed and discussed.

Chris stated that WAAC supports the efforts of AIC and that WAAC's mission is to serve our particular membership. The topic of community outreach was on everyone's lips, and Chris mentioned that WAAC is doing its part, noting our upcoming symposium in Santa Fe on Tibetan thangka conservation, which will be open to the public.

The importance of dialogue with groups outside the conservation profession, and the importance of AIC listening to other organizations--as well as "preaching" to them--was emphasized.

Chris came away from the Advisory Council Meeting feeling very positive about AIC and the organization's new commitment to continue dialogue with related professional organizations.

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