Volume 12, Number 3, Sept 1990, p.9


Rosanna Zubiate, column editor

Free Copies of AATA and Some Early AATA Supplements!

First come, first served. Art & Archaeology Technical Abstracts is disposing of unsalable copies. Some of these have only minor blemishes that still render them unsalable, others have more significant damage. Many are early numbers that are no longer in print and the early supplements. We are unable to send these through the mail and would like them to be available on a first come, first served basis to WAAC members. Call the AATA office at the Getty Cons. Institute, 213/822-2299.

Upholstery Conservation

Preprints of the Symposium held at Colonial Williamsburg, Feb. 2-4, 1990. $30.00. Order from AIC, 1400 16th Street NW Suite 340, Washington DC 20036.

The Feast of the Gods

VHS Videotape. Probes into the past and, with the use of xrays, cross sections, infrared photography, special effects, and computer graphics, takes the viewer into the very structure of the painting. $30.00. Order from AIC, 1400 16th Street NW Suite 340, Washington DC 20036.

Journal of the American Institute for Conservation Cumulative Index

An index of this semi-annual scholarly publication covering volumes 16-28 (1977-89). 28 pages. $10.00 + $3 postage and handling. Order from AIC, 1400 16th St. NW Suite 340, Washington DC 20036.

AIC Preprints Index

A cumulative index of papers presented at the 4th through the 16th AIC annual meetings, 1976-88. 40 pages. $10.00 + $3 postage and handling. Order from AIC, 1400 16th St. NW Suite 340, Washington DC 20036.

1990 AIC Abstracts (18th Annual AIC Meeting in Richmond, Virginia, May 29-June 3, 1990).

Abstracts of nearly 100 papers. 100 pages. AIC Members $8 + $3 postage and handling; non-members $12 + $3 p/h. Order from AIC, 1400 16th St. NW Suite 340, Washington DC 20036.

1990-91 AIC Directory

A comprehensive listing of AIC members organized by name, speciality and geographic region. 220 pages. This publication is a benefit of membership in AIC, also available to non-members for $38 + $3 postage and handling. Order from AIC, 1400 16th St. NW Suite 340, Washington DC 20036.

Paper Conservator

Published by the Institute for Paper Conservation. Special prices, available until October 1: Volumes 1, 4, 12, and 13 are available for $10.00 each to IPC members, S15.00 each to nonmembers. The combined Volumes 5/6 (Health and Safety Manual) is $12.00. All other volumes are $18.00 each to members, $27.00 each to nonmembers. After October 1, prices will be $20 each for IPC members, $30 each for nonmembers. Payment must be received with orders. Order from Clare Hampson, IPC, Leigh Lodge, Leigh, Worcester, WR6 5LB, England.

The Artist's Complete Health & Safety Guide
By Monona Rossol, Allworth Press 10 E. 23rd St., New York NY 10010. $16.95 plus $2.50 s&h. The press release from the publisher describes this book as: "A resource for artists, craftspeople, teachers, or anyone who works with paints, drawing materials, pigments, dyes, printmaking inks, solvents, clay or other modeling materials, glazes, enamels, glass, plastics, textiles, leather or other animal products, wood, photographic chemicals, lapidary or sculpture stones, metals, solders, welding or foundry materials....This book is a guide to using these potentially toxic materials safely and ethically." The author, Monona Rossol, is an industrial hygienist and the founder and president of ACTS: Arts, Crafts and Theater Safety.

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