Volume 12, Number 2, May 1990, pp.31-32

From the Editor

by Chris Stavroudis

As Mark Watters informed you, gentle readers, I have begun the process of stepping aside as the WAAC Newsletter Editor. This is my last issue as sole editor, the next will be produced in co-editorship with the new Editor, Elizabeth C. Welsh.

This issue is my ninth, that's three years, 250 some odd pages (and a few normal pages too), and a good number of feature articles. I'm very proud of the Newsletter and even more pleased with the editorial changes that have taken place under my stewardship. The responsibility for producing the Newsletter is now distributed among numerous individuals--the dedicated team of Column Editors. Each of whom has different perspectives, strengths, and interests. I think the Newsletter, even more so than before, reflects the spirit and uniqueness that is WAAC.

Do you agree with me? I don't know, and Liz cannot know, unless you (all) take the time to fill out the WAAC Newsletter Readership Survey, enclosed with this mailing. I have been meaning to survey you for some time now, but the change in editorship is a natural time to make changes in style, content, and format.

The decision to resign as Editor was not easy. While preparing the Newsletter is no easy task, it is infinitely rewarding. Personally, my writing skills have improved a whole lot--just gobs and gobs and tons. I have enjoyed working with all the WAAC Presidents (Benita Johnson, Roz Westmoreland, Debbie Evans, Mark Watters, and Glenn Wharton), the former Editor, Caroline Black Blydenburg, all the Members-at-Large and Secretary/Treasurers, the Regional Reporters, the Column Editors, contributors to the Newsletter, Victor and Gary at Printers Unlimited/Data-Boy, Joanne Page (the ablest of copy editors), and Zora Pinney.

I remember when I took over the Newsletter from Caroline. After my first issue appeared in her mail, she called me and thanked me for allowing her to sleep more easily. She confessed she had been having nightmares about the transition. Not that she thought I wouldn't be able to produce the Newsletter (that was my recurring nightmare) but that it would arrive printed in four colors on glossy stock. Liz, may you succeed with flying colors.

Chris Stavroudis
Newsletter Editor

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