Volume 12, Number 2, May 1990, pp.1-2

President's Letter

by Mark Watters

Regarding the position of WAAC Newsletter Editor, there is good news and bad news. First, the bad news: After 3 years of dedication and innovation as Editor, Chris Stavroudis has decided to resign. During his tenure, he substantially expanded the scope and raised the editorial level of the Newsletter. We regret losing his services as Editor and are grateful for his outstanding efforts. Chris has also provided a continuity on the WAAC Board that will be sorely missed.

There is good news too. Thanks to the thoughtful recommendation and contact by WAAC Board Member, Nancy Odegaard, Elizabeth C. Welsh has agreed to become the next WAAC Newsletter Editor. Elizabeth graduated from the Winterthur Program, and she specializes in objects conservation. She now resides in Phoenix, Arizona. Chris will be working with Elizabeth on the next issue to facilitate the transition. I am very pleased with Elizabeth's decision to accept, and I look forward to her tenure as Newsletter Editor.

A questionnaire about the Newsletter has been enclosed with this issue. We hope you will take the time to complete and return this, since the results will provide both the Board Members and the new Editor with a better concept of what is useful and/or interesting in the Newsletter to the membership. There is another enclosure, a call for nominations. Glenn Wharton, WAAC Vice President, would appreciate receiving members' suggestions as soon as possible. Yet another enclosure, it's annual dues time! Please pay your dues promptly as it simplifies maintaining the membership list and saves WAAC from having to send second and third notices.

It has been brought to my attention that the WAAC Membership Directory may have been used as a source for conservator referrals. I would like to make it clear that the Membership Directory is nothing more than a list of WAAC members. It is not intended for use as a conservator referral list. To avoid future confusion on this subject, language will be added to the heading of each page of the Directory explaining that it is not a conservator referral list.

Annual Meeting

Planning for the annual meeting on Catalina Island is well under way. I made an exploratory expedition there at the end of March, since I had never been before. I found the town of Avalon and the island to be as charming and beautiful as reputed. And the hour- and-one-half boat ride across the channel was a pleasure in itself and enhanced the feeling of retreat once I reached the island.

Arrangements are being made with the Catalina Canyon Hotel in Avalon. This is the one hotel on the island where all of the meeting functions can be accommodated. Forty rooms (double or single) are being held at a reduced rate for the nights of Sunday, 14 October; Monday, 15 October; and Tuesday, 16 October. The rooms will be held until 31 August at the reduced rate. Even with the reduction, the rate is a bit steep at $115 plus 7% hotel tax per night (for a double or a single). The hotel should have received a deposit for one night's stay from WAAC members by 31 August in order to reserve a room for the meeting at the reduced rate. In mid-July, WAAC will mail reservation forms, along with the registration materials, to the membership. The form should be completed and sent with the deposit. If enough interest is shown, one or two preliminary activities might be organized for the afternoon of 14 October, Sunday. A glass-bottom boat trip or a hike through the nature conservancy are activities which were suggested at the mid-year WAAC Board meeting.

I am pleased to confirm that the Amigos de Mexico/Friends of Mexico once again will sponsor the participation of at least one Mexican conservation student (and possibly two) at our annual meeting. On behalf of WAAC, I would like to thank Miguel Angel Corzo of the Friends of Mexico for this decision.

I am closing this President's Letter with a call for talks to be given at the annual meeting. Please contact any Board Member with suggestions. Current Board Members are: Patricia Tuttle- Leavengood, Janice Mae Schopfer, Nancy Odegaard, Glenn Wharton, and myself, Mark Watters. We look forward to hearing from you.

And finally, it is with great sadness that I report the recent death of James Evans, a gifted colleague and beloved friend.

Mark Watters President, WAAC

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