Volume 11, Number 3, Sept 1989, p.9

AYMHM: Articles You May Have Missed

Rosanna Zubiate, column editor
"International Training in Cultural Resource Preservation", by Terry B. Morton, Trends, Vol. 26, no. 1, 1989, pp 25-26.

"In the summer of 1989, the United States/International Council on Monuments and Sites (US/ICOMOS), in cooperation with the National Park Service, will launch a new program in historic preservation and cultural resource management--a bilateral exchange for graduate students and young professionals in the United States and the Soviet Union. This will be the first such program with the Soviet Union conducted by US/ICOMOS and one of a few international internship programs in the field of historic preservation."

"Dutch Disaster", by M. Kirby Talley, Jr., ARTnews, Vol. 88, no. 6 (Summer 1989), pp 60-61.

The Dordrechts Museum recently suffered the worst case of museum vandalism in its history, when on March 29, a 61 year old man entered the museum and slashed ten Dutch Old Master paintings with a "trident-like" knife. Unfortunately Dutch law does not "differentiate between damaging a work of art and vandalizing a lamp post. The maximum penalty for such attacks on art is two years' imprisonment, and police are unable to hold suspects for such crimes." The vandal was said to be unemployed and "disgruntled with the fact that foreigners are employed in Holland". He is said to have returned home to Papendract, a town near Dordrecht, that same evening.

"Rock Art and its Conservation in the 'Top End'", by Mandy Muir, ICOM Committee for Conservation Newsletter, Bulletin No. 6, August 1988, pp 16- 19.

The Federal Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service, (ANPWS), runs Kakadu National Park. The Parks center is located east of Darwin, the capital of the Northern Territory. In April of 1979, the boundaries of the Kakadu National Park were proclaimed, encompassing 6144 square kilometers. Since this time the Park has had its boundaries increased in size by an additional 13,000 square kilometers. The area is rich in Rock Art. The ANPWS in their plan for management of the Kakadu Park state that: "The main objective is to preserve rock art and archaeological sites whilst involving Aboriginal traditional owners in all aspects of site protection and interpretation and responding to Aboriginal wishes regarding site management." Furthermore: "Park management should reflect the wishes of the traditional Aboriginal owners and must be structured so as to allow maximum participation by Aboriginal people and to encourage Aboriginal people to take a leading role in management."

"'Tilted Arc' Destroyed", by Richard Serra, Art in America, Vol. 77, no. 5, May 1989, pp 35-47.

"The United States government destroyed 'Tilted Arc' on March 15, 1989. Exercising proprietary rights, authorities of the General Services Administration ordered the destruction of the public sculpture that their own agency had commissioned ten years earlier. The final desecration followed over five years of misrepresentations, false promises and show trials in the media and in the courtroom, deceptions which in the end not only allowed the government to destroy 'Tilted Arc', but which established a precedent for the priority of property rights over free expression and the moral rights of artists."

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