Volume 11, Number 3, Sept 1989, pp.8-9

In the News

Rosanna Zubiate, column editor
"Mexico Miracle: Stolen Art Found", by Marjorie Miller, Los Angeles Times, Thursday June 15, 1989, Part I, p. 7.

One hundred and eleven pre-Columbian artifacts stolen from the National Anthropology Museum in Mexico City were recently recovered when a drug trafficker led police to the thief's cache. The treasures had been stolen with great ease when in December of 1985 two veterinary students made their way into the poorly guarded museum through the air conditioning ducts. Since the robbery museum security has been "beefed-up" according to Roberto Garcia Moll, director of the National Institute of Anthropology and History.

"Saving San Xavier may rest on matter of degrees", by Enric Volante, The Arizona Daily Star, Tucson, Wednesday, June 14, 1989.

The 200 year old Mission San Xavier is being studied in an effort to protect its interior artwork and exterior structure. Damage caused by recurring roof leaks, modern roof repairs and constant temperature changes have prompted investigation into the use of old architectural conservation methods to repair and return the mission to its original beauty. A modern acrylic seal painted on the dome in 1984 is being sandblasted-off and replaced with "alternating coats of solutions made from alum and jabon blando--a simple Mexican soap."

"Outdoor Picture Show", by Terry Pristin, The Los Angeles Times, Metro, Part II, Wednesday July 5, 1989, pp.1, 3-4.

Since the loss of The Old Woman of the Freeway, in November of 1987, "activity aimed at protecting Los Angeles' murals from the whims of commercial interests and the ravages of time and graffiti", has been sparked. In the past year efforts have been made to pass legislation which would protect and treat murals like buildings of historical importance. This legislation unfortunately is not ideal as it would scare building owners and therefore may have a "chilling effect on mural production". Glenna Boltuch Avila the creator of "L.A. Freeway Kids" near the Children's Museum says that "...the artists I've talked to don't want an ordinance so complex that it will discourage a building owner from ever wanting a mural". The wording of this proposed legislation will therefore have to balance this delicate issue.

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