Volume 10, Number 3, Sept 1988, p.22

From the Editor

by Chris Stavroudis

With any luck at all, this issue of the WAAC Newsletter is printed on acid free paper. The editorial staff urged and the board agreed that we, as an organization, should set an example and use acid free paper in the production of the Newsletter. Special thanks go Ellen McCrady, the editor of The Abbey Newsletter and Alkaline Paper Advocate, for providing a list of sources of alkaline paper in California and to our printer, Victor Cota, the manager of Data-Boy Printing, 7512 Santa Monica Blvd, West Hollywood, CA 90046, who tracked down suppliers and found a stock only a bit more expensive than the acidic paper we were using.

I would also like to congratulate and thank the WAAC Board, the Regional Reporters, and the Assistant Editors. There have been some subtle changes made in the evolving editorial policy of the Newsletter. With the help of all listed above, the task of generating this newsletter has been lightened. The Board has agreed to take on more responsibilities, the regional reporters have been asked, and have taken on more of an editorial function, and the column and contributing editors have made valuable and time saving contributions under circumstances of tight deadlines. In recognition of their contributions, the Board has written letters of appreciation and thanks to all of these people and invited them to attend the WAAC Annual Banquet at the Ahwahnee Hotel as guests of WAAC.

WAAC is indeed lucky, Rosanna Zubiate has agreed to continue compiling and editing the "In the News", "AYMHM", and "Publications/Audio-Visual" columns. It is one of the least enjoyable tasks of preparing the Newsletter, but I think it is also one of the more important services the Newsletter provides.

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