Volume 10, Number 3, Sept 1988, p.18

Conferences in Review

Chris Stavroudis, column editor

Two conferences were reviewed in this column:

  1. "Library Disaster Preparedness and Collection Salvage, Los Angeles, 8 June 1988," review by Joanne Page.
  2. "Symposium/Workshop on Technological Advances in Conservation Science and Geoarchaeology, Santa Barbara, 12-14 June 1988."

On 8 June 1988, the Los Angeles Preservation Network held a Workshop on "Library Disaster Preparedness and Collection Salvage" in Los Angeles, California.

The steering committee of LAPNET wanted their first workshop to be a bit different from the usual disaster preparedness seminar. They wanted to do something attention getting, something to be remembered.

Judging by the enthusiasm of the 50 participants, the workshop held at the Huntington Library on Wednesday, June 8, accomplished that goal. The morning began with presentations by librarians from L.A. Public Library addressing the problems resulting from the 1986 Central Library fire. The importance of formulating a disaster preparedness plan was emphasized by Gretchen Karl, the Getty Collection Maintenance Librarian. A video demonstrating the proper handling of water soaked books was shown, and then, just before lunch break, a fire alarm sounded. The meeting room was evacuated onto the patio where the workshop participants discovered the San Marino Fire Department hosing down shelves of books.

After lunch the group was instructed by LAPNET members Romaine Ahlstrom (LAPL), John Barone (LACMA), Mary Chase (Getty Center), Jim Corwin (Huntington), Sheryl Davis (UCR), Gretchen Karl (Getty Center), Daniela Moneta (Southwest Museum), Kathleen Orlenko (Huntington), Joanne Page (LACMA), and Ron Tank (Huntington) in the correct methods of handling water damaged books. The various drying methods were also discussed. All of the participants had the opportunity to remove the soaking books from the shelves, wrap and pack them in cartons for freezing, and to interleave and air dry the damp books.

In the future, the LAPNET Committee plans to conduct a series of workshops on other topics, including pest control, earthquake recovery, and proper handling of photographs. Information about the future workshops may be obtained from Christopher Coleman, Preservation Officer, UCLA, (213) 206-3298.

Joanne Page, LACMA

On 12-14 June 1988, The Getty Conservation Institute and the University of California, Santa Barbara sponsored a Symposium/Workshop on Technological Advances in Conservation Science and Geoarchaeology in Santa Barbara, California.

The Symposium/Workshop was held to discuss and develop a plan for the establishment of a joint, cooperative research and educational center between The Getty Conservation Institute, several California museums, and the University of California. Such a center would foster and facilitate collaborative research projects and provide opportunities for training in conservation, materials sciences, geochemistry, archaeology, and art history.

The first day of the Symposium consisted of 22 technical presentations by participants. The short papers first presented the breadth of Conservation Needs and then showed examples of Research Solutions to Conservation Needs. On the second day, the participants were split into two working groups; one dealing with organic materials; the other, with inorganic materials. At the end of workshop sessions, the results of each working group's proposals were presented to all of the attendees.

For further information, contact: Dr. Stanley V. Margolis, Professor of Geology, U.C. Davis, Davis, CA 95616.

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